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Rigid membrane formation device Arc discharge type magnetron Pattadling device-Arc discharge type magnetron Pattadling device
Rigid membrane formation device Arc discharge type magnetron Pattadling device-SHINKO SEIKI CO., LTD.

Rigid membrane formation device Arc discharge type magnetron Pattadling device

About This Product

It is an fully automatic sputtering device equipped with a high -density magnetron cats (arc discharge -type magnetron codel) developed independently. The newly developed arc discharge -type magnetron cathode is characterized by low pressure, low voltage, and large current films than conventional cathodes. The unique high -density plasmaspatta allows you to form a precise and smooth hard membrane that cannot be obtained by other PVD methods. The film quality is dense and has a structure close to bulk due to fine crystals. It is also very good for the surface smoothness of the membrane. A hard nitride membrane and a carbonated film that does not require a post -processing (such as grain) can be filmed. It is a great advantage, especially in coating such as molds and cutting tools. In addition, hydrogen -free DLC film (carbonated nitride) is also possible, and is being developed to improve the sliding properties of automotive parts. This device has a commonization of a PIG -type DLC membrane formation device with abundant achievements. The Arc discharge type magnetron cats can be equipped with a maximum of 4 yuan and a PIG -type plasma gun for the DLC membrane. It is extremely effective for the formation of a composite multilayer film at the nano -level and the creation of a new alloy thin film. ADMS (Arc discharge -type magnetronon spatta) hard film + PIG type DLC sliding film can be expected to develop usage use as a surface treatment technology for the PIG type DLC membrane formation device. The TIN membrane by the Arc discharge -type magnetopatta has a more precise film tissue than the conventional magnetron spatta.

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    Rigid membrane formation device Arc discharge type magnetron Pattadling device

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1 Models of Rigid membrane formation device Arc discharge type magnetron Pattadling device

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Treatment Coating area Throughput Memorial type / TI system Memorial / CR system
Rigid membrane formation device Arc discharge type magnetron Pattadling device-Part Number-Arc discharge type magnetron Pattadling device

Arc discharge type magnetron Pattadling device

Available upon quote

Mold vehicle parts cutting tools, such as horned tools, etc.

Φ600 × 500L

12 in the case of φ140 x 500L (self -revolution)

Tin, cin, tiain, etc.

CRN, AICR, etc.

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SHINKO SEIKI CO., LTD., established in 1949, and located in Kobe, Japan, is a manufacturer of vacuum devices, ...

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