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Thin film forming device horizontal vapor adhesion deviceHandling Company
Click on the part number for more information about each product
Image | Part Number | Price (excluding tax) | Method of operation | Exhaust system / Achievement power | Exhaust system / exhaust time | Exhaust system / main pump | Slamy system / processing amount |
Aamh-C1075SB |
Available upon quote |
full automatic |
5 × 10-⁵ PA or less |
× 10-⁴ within 15 minutes to PA stand |
Cry -pump |
60 substrates x 72 sheets |
Aamh-C1080SB |
Available upon quote |
full automatic |
6 × 10-⁵ PA or less |
× 10-⁴ within 15 minutes to PA stand |
Cry -pump |
¢ 3 inches x 60 sheets, ¢ 4 inches x 45 or ¢ 5 inches x 14 sheets |
Aamh-C20130SB |
Available upon quote |
full automatic |
7 x 10-⁵ PA or less |
× 10-⁴ within 25 minutes to the PA stand |
Cry -pump |
420 x 275 substrate x 8 sheets |
Click on the part number for more information about each product
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Reviews shown here are reviews of companies.