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Bruker Corporation's Atomic Force Microscopes

Bruker Corporation

8 products found

Bruker Corporation

Nanoscale infrared spectroscopy system

440+ people viewing

Last viewed: 2 hours ago

Standard Response

Response Rate
100.0 %
Response Time
24.5 hours

■AFM infrared spectroscopy system The long-awaited new generation nanoscale infrared spectroscopy system Dimension IconIR Dimension Icon is AFM's b...

4 models listed

Anasys nanoIR3-Nanoscale infrared spectroscopy system
Anasys nanoIR3-s-Nanoscale infrared spectroscopy system
Anasys nanoIR3-s Broadband-Nanoscale infrared spectroscopy system
Dimension IconIR-Nanoscale infrared spectroscopy system

Bruker Corporation

Atomic force microscope (material AFM) large platform Dimension series

560+ people viewing

Last viewed: 2 hours ago

Standard Response

Response Rate
100.0 %
Response Time
24.5 hours

■Dimension series Bruker's Dimension Icon® atomic force microscopy (AFM) system provides the highest performance, functionality, and productivity f...

8 models listed

Dimension Edge-Atomic force microscope (material AFM) large platform Dimension series
Dimension FastScan-Atomic force microscope (material AFM) large platform Dimension series
Dimension HPI-Atomic force microscope (material AFM) large platform Dimension series
Dimension Icon-Atomic force microscope (material AFM) large platform Dimension series
Dimension Pro-Atomic force microscope (material AFM) large platform Dimension series
Dimension XR Nano Mechanics-Atomic force microscope (material AFM) large platform Dimension series

Bruker Corporation

Atomic force microscope (material AFM) small platform

410+ people viewing

Last viewed: 5 hours ago

Standard Response

Response Rate
100.0 %
Response Time
24.5 hours

Atomic force microscope (material AFM) small platform.

3 models listed

Innova-Atomic force microscope (material AFM) small platform
JPK NanoWizard 4 NanoScience-Atomic force microscope (material AFM) small platform
MultiMode 8-Atomic force microscope (material AFM) small platform

Bruker Corporation

300mm wafer compatible large AutoAFM (automated atomic force microscope) InSight AFP

320+ people viewing

Last viewed: 7 hours ago

Standard Response

Response Rate
100.0 %
Response Time
24.5 hours

AutoAFM (large automatic atomic force microscope). ■Large AutoAFM (automatic atomic force microscope) compatible with 300mm wafers InSight AFP AAF...

Bruker Corporation

Photomask AutoAFM (fully automated atomic force microscope) InSight AFP PM

300+ people viewing

Standard Response

Response Rate
100.0 %
Response Time
24.5 hours

■AutoAFM (fully automatic atomic force microscope) for photomasks Insight AFP PM is a fully automated atomic force microscope for photomasks. The b...

Bruker Corporation

AutoAFM (Automatic Atomic Force Profiler) InSight CAP

240+ people viewing

Standard Response

Response Rate
100.0 %
Response Time
24.5 hours

■AutoAFM (Fully automatic atomic force profiler) Insight CAP is a fully automatic AFM for CMP and Etch process evaluation. In addition to the profi...

Bruker Corporation

Bio AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) Automated Force Spectroscopy

430+ people viewing

Last viewed: 10 hours ago

Standard Response

Response Rate
100.0 %
Response Time
24.5 hours

Atomic force microscope for life sciences JPK Bio AFM ■Scanner It has a scan range of up to 15um in the Z direction, which is sufficient for cell ...

6 models listed

JPK CellHesion300-Bio AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) Automated Force Spectroscopy
JPK NanoRacer-Bio AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) Automated Force Spectroscopy
JPK NanoWizard 4XP-Bio AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) Automated Force Spectroscopy
JPK NanoWizard Sense+-Bio AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) Automated Force Spectroscopy
JPK NanoWizard UltraSpeed3-Bio AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) Automated Force Spectroscopy
JPK NanoWizard V-Bio AFM (Atomic Force Microscope) Automated Force Spectroscopy

Bruker Corporation

Bio AFM (atomic force microscope) optical tweezers

350+ people viewing

Last viewed: 17 hours ago

Standard Response

Response Rate
100.0 %
Response Time
24.5 hours

■Cell mechanics research tool Optical tweezers Quantification of molecular, cellular, and microrheological processes: Dual beam force detection opt...

2 models listed

JPK nanoTracker-Bio AFM (atomic force microscope) optical tweezers
JPK OT-AFM Combisystem-Bio AFM (atomic force microscope) optical tweezers

Check the product list of Bruker Corporation

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