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X-ray diffractometer D8 DISCOVER Plus-D8 DISCOVER Plus
X-ray diffractometer D8 DISCOVER Plus-Cosmo Trading Co., Ltd.

X-ray diffractometer D8 DISCOVER Plus
Cosmo Trading Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

The most powerful and accurate XRD solution. It covers a wide range of applications such as research, development, and quality control in academic and industrial fields. D8 DISCOVER Plus is the most powerful and versatile X-ray diffraction instrument. The fundamental technology supporting this is the high-efficiency X-ray source TXS-HE (High-Efficiency Turbo X-ray Source) and the high-precision ATLAS goniometer equipped with the market-leading Non-Coplanar arm. The D8 DISCOVER Plus is designed to characterize the structural properties of all materials, from powders, amorphous and polycrystalline materials to epitaxial multilayer thin films, either neat or in a controlled atmosphere.


・Crystal phase identification, crystal phase quantification, structural analysis and refinement, microstructural analysis such as crystallite size and crystallite strain ・X-ray reflectance measurement (XRR), grazing incidence diffraction (GIXRD), in-plane diffraction (In-Plane GID), high-resolution diffraction (HRXRD), grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS), thin film stress analysis, crystal orientation Analysis (ODF) ・Residual stress analysis, texture/pole figure measurement, microscopic X-ray diffraction (μXRD), wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXS) ・Total scattering measurement: Bragg diffraction, two-body distribution function (PDF), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)

■Non-Coplanar arm

D8 DISCOVER Plus can be equipped with a Non-Coplanar arm to perform in-plane X-ray diffraction ・Access an in-plane 2θ range of up to 160° and define lattice spacing d values ​​with unprecedented accuracy ・High angular accuracy achieved by direct encoder ・Using newly designed optical system components to increase measurement strength and achieve analysis of polycrystalline films with a film thickness of 10 nm or less ・Seamless integration of DIFFRAC.SUITE software and DIFFRAC.DAVINCI maximizes measurement efficiency

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    X-ray diffractometer D8 DISCOVER Plus

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1 Models of X-ray diffractometer D8 DISCOVER Plus

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) High efficiency X-ray source TXS-HE High resolution crystal monochromator Angular accuracy Diffraction peak position accuracy Power density Microfocus X-ray source IμS Compact UMC stage TWIST-TUBE TRIO optical system Non-Coplanar arm ATLAS™ goniometer
X-ray diffractometer D8 DISCOVER Plus-Part Number-D8 DISCOVER Plus


Available upon quote

Compact and lightweight design for sample horizontal placement ATLAS goniometer
Fine line focus: 0.3×3 mm2
Focal brightness: 6 kW/mm2
Compatible wavelengths: Cr, Co, Cu, Mo

Ge (220) and Ge (004) (asymmetric cut, symmetric cut)
2-crystal monochromator and 4-crystal monochromator (Bartels arrangement)

Maximum 2θ 160°

< 0.007° 2Ɵ


Maximum applied power: 50W
MONTEL or MONTELPlus optics: collimated or focused beam
Minimum beam size: 180×180 µm2

Compact UMC Plus 80:
High speed spinner for XRPD
Maximum X/Y translational axis movement range: ±40mm
Maximum sample thickness: 57mm

Quick switching mechanism between line focus and point focus
Compatible wavelengths: Cr, Cu, Mo, Ag
Maximum applied power: 3kW (depending on wavelength, with filament size 0.4 x 12mm2)

Software Push-Button switching:
Motorized variable divergence slit (Bragg-Brentano focusing optical system)
High strength parallel mirror (Kα1,2 parallel beam optical system)

Third goniometer axis for accessing ultra-thin films and in-plane properties of the sample:
Minimum step size: 0.001°
Maximum 2θ range: 160° (depending on configuration)
Detector distance automatic detection mechanism

TXS-HE Highly rigid vertical goniometer that allows installation of an X-ray source
Industry-leading angular accuracy: Guaranteed Δ2θ ≤ ±0.007° over the entire angular range determined per NIST SRM 1976

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