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X -ray turnover device (XRD) EMPYREAN Series EMPYREAN NANO edition

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About This Product

Multi -purpose X -ray scattering platform Empyrean Nano Edition is an X -ray scattering device for hybrid laboratory. The feature is that various technologies can be used to evaluate the structural characteristics of (nano) materials on multiple lengths.

■ Main use

・ SAXS and WAXS: Small angle and wide -angle X -ray scattered ・ Bio-Saxs: SAXS for biological polymer ・ USAXS: Super small angle X -ray scattering method ・ Total scattering: Atom bib distribution function (PDF) analysis You can add some other applications, such as powdering, thin film analysis, and CT, and you can upgrade later. High -resolution Gonio meter platforms, module concepts, and latest detector technology achieve high performance and flexibility of the device.

■ Overview

(Nano) substance analysis on multiple lengths Like other research devices on the market, the Empyrean Nano edition has been consistently providing a black crystal surface between sub -on -stroms and microns for about 50 years. By combining USAXS, Saxs/Waxs, and PDF measurement in the Empyrean Nano edition, it is possible to evaluate the characteristics of the hierarchical structure on multiple lengths, covering the brag crystal surface interval from the sub -onstrom to the micron.  ■ Empyrean supports various X -ray scattering technology. ・ SAXS small angle X -ray scattering method SAXS is the main application of Empyrean Nano Edition. This is one of the most multipurpose tools and analyzes the nanoscale structure and size of various sample types (liquids, powder, solid, gel, etc.). Samples may be non -crystal, crystal, or semi -crystal. Typical samples that can be investigated in SAXS include colloid distributed solution, surfactant, polymer, biological polymer, film, nanocon positive, nano powder, porous material, etc. You can investigate the order of the anisotropic nanoscale structure by measuring the 2D Saxs pattern. 

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    X -ray turnover device (XRD) EMPYREAN Series EMPYREAN NANO edition

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0 Models of X -ray turnover device (XRD) EMPYREAN Series EMPYREAN NANO edition

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Goniometer type Goniometer radius Goniometer resolution ability Goniometer interface SAXS/WAXS specification camera length SAXS/WAXS specifications X -line source SAXS/WAXS specifications SAXS/WAXS specifications Ingredient beam optical system SAXS/WAXS specification beam route SAXS/WAXS specification sample holder SAXS/WAXS specifications temperature range SAXS/WAXS specification beam stop SAXS/WAXS specification detector SAXS/WAXS specification measurement mode SAXS/WAXS specifications accessable 2θ range SAXS/WAXS specifications accessable Q range SAXS/WAXS specification maximum Blag crystal surface interval SAXS/WAXS specifications software USAXS specification X line source USAXS specifications collection type USAXS specifications Ingredient beam optical system USAXS specification Receive light lighting system USAXS specification sample stage/holder USAXS specification sample changer USAXS specification detector USAXS specification measurement mode USAXS specification minimum 2θ

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