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Emergency earthquake early warning telephone paging device EDR-200A linked to FM radio broadcast notification sound-EDR-200A
Emergency earthquake early warning telephone paging device EDR-200A linked to FM radio broadcast notification sound-Takacom Co., Ltd.

Emergency earthquake early warning telephone paging device EDR-200A linked to FM radio broadcast notification sound
Takacom Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

Supports wide FM to expand reception area and introduce emergency earthquake early warning at low cost and easy installation

■No running costs required by receiving FM radio broadcasts

・Receives the "Earthquake Early Warning" chime broadcast from commercial FM radio stations and NHK-FM radio stations, and performs emergency earthquake broadcasts to notify the occurrence of an earthquake. ・Since it uses emergency earthquake early warnings for the general public, there is no need for a dedicated receiving terminal or running costs.

■ Wide FM compatible to expand reception area

Compatible with wide FM (FM supplementary broadcast), the frequency of the FM broadcast to be received can be set in the range of 76MHz to 99.9MHz. *Wide FM (FM supplementary broadcasting) is the broadcasting of AM radio programs in the broadcast area of ​​AM radio stations using FM radio broadcast frequencies that are resistant to disasters and radio interference.

■Constructed using existing equipment to reduce costs

- By connecting this device to a broadcasting amplifier, you can broadcast earthquake early warnings from existing broadcasting equipment. ・Using the paging broadcast function of the exchange, earthquake early warnings are broadcast from connected telephones and speakers of broadcasting equipment. By using existing exchange equipment to perform public address announcements, installation is easy and costs can be reduced.

■Choose the broadcast content from “Radio Broadcast” or “Announcement Broadcast”

・For emergency earthquake broadcasts, you can select from "Radio Broadcast" which sends out FM radio audio, "Fixed Announcement" which is pre-recorded in this device, or "Original Announcement" which is optionally recorded. - By using radio broadcasts or fixed announcements, you can connect and start operating immediately.

■Supporting disaster mitigation through unique announcement broadcasts

- You can record and broadcast your own announcements. We suppress panic and support disaster mitigation by making appropriate broadcasts tailored to the facility and environment.

■Preventing the beginning of broadcast content from being cut off

- The start of emergency earthquake broadcasts (FM radio/announcements) can be adjusted to match the amplifier start-up delay of the broadcasting equipment, thus preventing the beginning of the broadcast from being cut off.

■Evacuation drills can be conducted through test broadcasts

・There is only a short amount of time between the broadcast of an Earthquake Early Warning and the onset of strong shaking, so regular training is important in order to take appropriate actions such as protecting yourself without panic. Test broadcasts can be used for evacuation drills and to check whether this device is working properly.

■Control equipment with external output

- Can output contact signals. It can be used for emergency stop and control of various equipment.

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    Emergency earthquake early warning telephone paging device EDR-200A linked to FM radio broadcast notification sound

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1 Models of Emergency earthquake early warning telephone paging device EDR-200A linked to FM radio broadcast notification sound

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Recording channel Mass Emergency earthquake early warning detection method Target frequency Dimensions (width x depth x height Fixed announcement Number of extensions accommodated Extension type FM antenna
Emergency earthquake early warning telephone paging device EDR-200A linked to FM radio broadcast notification sound-Part Number-EDR-200A


$ 338.00〜

2 channels (for earthquake early warning broadcasting, test broadcasting)

Approximately 650g

NHK style chime sound (received twice consecutively)


190×200×59 mm (including rubber feet)

2 types (for earthquake early warning broadcasting, for test broadcasting)

1 line

Analog extension (PB)

External antenna connection method (F type connector (75Ω))

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