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Auto Wire Skin Machine Fully Automatic Measurement Cutting Peeling Machine OSTA Model SA-367B-SA-367B
Auto Wire Skin Machine Fully Automatic Measurement Cutting Peeling Machine OSTA Model SA-367B-Okawa Sanki Co., Ltd.

Auto Wire Skin Machine Fully Automatic Measurement Cutting Peeling Machine OSTA Model SA-367B
Okawa Sanki Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

■Fully automatic measuring tape cutting and peeling machine

・This machine is a wire processing machine that automatically measures wire length and strips both ends. - By setting the ``cutting length'' and ``dimensions for peeling both ends'' and inputting the number of pieces to be processed, the machine will process up to the number entered.

■Achieved a measuring scale with no variation

・Eliminates measurement variation by controlling the sag within the device. ・Eliminate actual measurement errors for each wire by setting the cutting length correction value. ・Data transmission/reception/operation on a computer. - Data entry using barcode reader.


- Due to the slack control within this device, there is no variation in cutting length even if a load occurs during measurement. -Feed is driven by 4 rollers, and measuring is done by an encoder, so there are no slip errors. ・Accuracy of variation in cutting length is ±0.2%. ・All machine operations are performed using the touch panel. - Up to 100 settings data can be registered as a memory function. - When stripping, the wire is held in place by hand, so there is no error in stripping dimensions and wear on the feed roller is reduced. - By setting the cutting length correction value, you can correct the difference between the set length and the actual cut length. In addition, correction values ​​can be automatically calculated on the touch panel. ・Using the included software "SA-367B communication. - By attaching a barcode reader to the main body, you can import data from the QR code generated by the "SA-367B communication" software. - Can be connected to a label printer via RS-232C, allowing processed data to be printed on labels.

■Maximum cutting load capacity

・General vinyl wire: VCT3.5sqx4 core ・IV system: 60sq (cutting only 100sq) ・CV system: 38sq ・WL type: 100sq

■Working ability

・Cutting length: 2,000mm → 300 pieces/hour ・Cutting length: 5,000mm → 265 pieces/hour ・Cutting length: 10,000mm → 225 pieces/hour


・Ethernet: PC and “SA-367B communication” software connection (using Mitsubishi Electric MX_Component) ・USB: Barcode reader connection ・RS-232C-9P: Printer port (manufacturer specified model label printer)

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    Auto Wire Skin Machine Fully Automatic Measurement Cutting Peeling Machine OSTA Model SA-367B

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1 Models of Auto Wire Skin Machine Fully Automatic Measurement Cutting Peeling Machine OSTA Model SA-367B

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Stroke Memory function Cutting length Cutting length correction value Stripped length Acceleration/deceleration time External input External output Machine dimensions Peeling speed Measuring accuracy Feed rate Applicable wire Weight Power supply Wire passing height
Auto Wire Skin Machine Fully Automatic Measurement Cutting Peeling Machine OSTA Model SA-367B-Part Number-SA-367B


Available upon quote

Front peeling: 0.0~110.0mm Back peeling: 0.0~215.0mm

Number of registrations: 100

110~3,000,000mm (3,000m)


Front peeling: 0~9,999.9mm (approx. 10M) Rear peeling: 0~210.0mm

0.2~5.0 seconds

Emergency stop/restart/pause/operation completion

Emergency stop / Winding operation / 1 cycle completed / Automatic operation / Roller is rotating once

Width 1,425 x depth 650 x height 1,420mm




Maximum outer diameter: 20mm Maximum width: 35mm

Approximately 350kg

Single phase 200V 20A

1,000mm above the floor

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