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Any Node point editing and smoothing is possible 3D data reconstruction software 3D-Doctor-3D-Doctor
Any Node point editing and smoothing is possible 3D data reconstruction software 3D-Doctor-Solutions Systems Co., Ltd.

Any Node point editing and smoothing is possible 3D data reconstruction software 3D-Doctor
Solutions Systems Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

■ Use

・ Visualization and analysis of medical data such as CT, MRI, RI, etc. ・ Create modeling models from dental CT data (implant) ・ Create 3D polygon images of co -focus images ・ Create a 3D polygon image from a continuous cut image ・ Create a model without the destruction of the sample from the non -destruction image data ・ Providing polygon numerical data for strain analysis ・ Create a 3D object with 3D Printer

■ Characteristics

・ Windows 9x, NT, 2,000, XP, Vista Authentic polygon rendering ・ Input image file format: Raw, Tiff, BMP, Dicom ・ Output file format: DXF, 3D Xyz Point, STL ・ Automatic boundary extraction by ROI settings ・ 3D display / animation by OpenGL ・ Any Node point editing and smoothing is possible ・ Surface material and transparency setting ・ Create a script with the 3dBASIC command ・ Enhanced boundary editing function to create smooth surfaces ・ Create an AVI movie file for the model ・ Surface smoothing essential for creating 3D models with high -precision photocurability resin

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    Any Node point editing and smoothing is possible 3D data reconstruction software 3D-Doctor

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1 Models of Any Node point editing and smoothing is possible 3D data reconstruction software 3D-Doctor

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