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What is Mabele EYE? Maberaku EYE is an image analysis software that can be used for exterior inspection of industrial products. It is a neural network -type software developed from the platform and features high -speed processing and high -speed processing. With the conventional pattern matching identification, the creation of pattern matching was very effortless, and it was not possible to respond to environmental changes or unexpected defects. Maebaku Eye can respond to environmental changes and unexpected defects, enabling the next -generation image processing and inspections of the skills of skilled people. The test algorithm used in the exterior inspection is also equipped with an algorithm developed by our worldwide network. The feature is that it is equipped with two algorithms: a high -speed test algorithm, which can also be used for videos, and a high -speed and high -sensitivity algorithm that supports production sites that are saved and labor -saving, along with high -speed inspection algorithms that can be used. The content required for the inspection is different. We can flexibly correspond to the purpose of various targets and environments to the customization of software, to create the optimal inspection environment according to the purpose. Because it is a unique neural network software, it is possible to quickly respond to various requests, such as optimizing algorithms, matching with hardware, high -speed processing, changing learning content, and improving convenience. ~ Main configuration of Maberaku EYE image processing device ~ ・ Mabesu Eye (AI software) ・ Image acquisition device (camera / lens) ·illumination ・ Trigger control unit ・ Data analysis device In addition, you can change the configuration according to your request. <Use of Maberaku EYE> Color test Maebaku EYE can create an image inspection device with the eyes of skilled people. You can identify differences that only skilled people can identify, such as subtle colors and shades and spots of colors. It can also display how the Maebaru Eye recognizes objects, making it a reliable automatic exterior inspection. It can be applied to color tension inspection after painting, surface treatment inspection such as alumite treatment layer, plating decoration, and food quality inspection. Object recognition The physical identification is a specialty of neural networks. By learning various objects, high -speed and reliable object identification is possible. Maebaku EYE can also be inspected to videos. For example, in order to demonstrate the high -speed speed of data analysis, it is possible to use a robot with an HD camera or FHD camera to perform the appearance inspection from continuous images, or use lightweight software to use it on a smartphone to use it in object identification. By recognizing the shape of a specific object, it is possible to use it for a lobot for rose piles and use it as an eye for the mobile body such as AGV. <Exterior inspection> If you use the high -sensitivity algorithm of Maebu, you can identify scratches and dents, etc. by combining appropriate optical systems and lighting, and can also be used for visual inspection of industrial products that require high quality. Industrial products have a hundreds of differences, such as glossy surface and shape differences, and each has its own appearance inspection standards, and high -quality products also have a slight scratches and dents. The exterior test of industrial products requires a very advanced and flexible person's eyes, which was a major issue in labor saving and saving. A high -density high -pixel machine vision camera is required to perform high -sensitivity tests, and high -speed processing is required to ensure productivity. AI processing such as deep learning requires a reasonable processing time for high -sensitivity processing, and there was a major issue for practical use. We have developed a detection algorithm that can balance high -speed and high sensitivity so that it can be applied to the production site. If the difference between images can be recognized even in small flaws, the Mae -zu Eye will be able to inspect.

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0 Models of Maebaku EYE

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) TN-Q40-Iol2-H1141 TN-Q80-H1147 TN-Q80-H1147/C53 TN-Q80-H1147-EX

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