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9 products found
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■Summary PI (polyimide) material. It is characterized by excellent strength and ductility, high elastic modulus, stiffness, hardness and low therma...
130+ people viewing
■Summary A polyimide material containing 15% graphite in TECASINT 1011. Optimized for tribology applications with improved friction and wear proper...
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■Summary A polyimide material containing 40% graphite in TECASINT 1011. Optimized for tribology applications with improved friction and wear proper...
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■Summary A polyimide material containing TECASINT 1011 with 15% graphite and 10% PTFE. It can be used in dry environments due to its very low coeff...
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■Summary PI (polyimide) material. It has significantly lower water absorption, higher toughness, and improved mechanical properties than TECASINT 1...
130+ people viewing
■Summary A polyimide material containing 15% graphite in TECASINT 2011. Optimized for tribology applications with improved friction and wear proper...
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■Summary A polyimide material containing 40% graphite in TECASINT 2011. Optimized for tribology applications with improved friction and wear proper...
120+ people viewing
Last viewed: 5 hours ago
■Summary A polyimide material containing TECASINT 2011 with 15% graphite and 10% PTFE. It can be used in dry environments due to its very low coeff...
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Last viewed: 5 hours ago
■Summary Compared to other TECASINT materials, the TECASINT 4000 series exhibits very low moisture absorption and high oxidation stability, as wel...