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Magnet bar/magnet plate (removal of metals such as iron powder)-MNMB-BS10-10
Magnet bar/magnet plate (removal of metals such as iron powder)-Magtech Co., Ltd.

Magnet bar/magnet plate (removal of metals such as iron powder)
Magtech Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

Magnet bars and magnet plates are magnetic products that have a structure in which multiple strong magnets are lined up inside a stainless steel pipe or frame. Magnetic foreign matter such as fine iron powder, stainless steel wear powder, and mixed metal pieces that are generated or mixed in during the manufacturing process of food, medicine, and chemicals are attracted and removed using strong magnetic force. Magtec handles magnet bars, magnet bars (double pipes), magnet bars (grids), magnet bars (piping parts), and magnet plates. This is a high-quality Japanese-made product that has sanitary specifications and can be used even in liquids.


・Magnetic bar (straight)…Highly versatile in terms of installation freedom ・Magnetic bar (double tube)…can be handled efficiently by hand (inspection, etc.) ・Magnetic bar (lattice type)…mainly installed in the process of powder falling in a hopper, etc. ・Magnetic bar (piping parts)…Installed in the middle of liquid or fluid piping ・Magnetic plate...installed during powder conveyor transport, etc.

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    Magnet bar/magnet plate (removal of metals such as iron powder)

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1 Models of Magnet bar/magnet plate (removal of metals such as iron powder)

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Surface magnetic flux density (mT) Material grade Outer diameter x length (mm)
Magnet bar/magnet plate (removal of metals such as iron powder)-Part Number-MNMB-BS10-10


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