Special board double -sided through hole metal board-Double -sided through hole metal board
Special board double -sided through hole metal board-Arrow Industry

Special board double -sided through hole metal board
Arrow Industry

About This Product

When considering the use of a metal base board, we recommend a double -sided through hole board when it is difficult to wire parts or pattern wiring on one side. To apply a through hole (penetrating hole) plating on the metal -based board, drill a drill hole larger than through holes for insulation, fill the resin there, and make a drill hole for the through hole plating in the secondary hole and apply copper. The base aluminum and copper have excellent thermal conductivity, so they can be used as a double -sided printed circuit board with excellent heat dissipation by using a double -sided metal base board. It is suitable for implementing electronic components that generate heat. feature ・ Relieves pattern wiring constraints ・ Relaxation of parts installation restrictions Use ・ LED lighting, etc.

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    Special board double -sided through hole metal board

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