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Compatible with complex special shapes and small diameter optical lenses and special shapes-Special shape
Compatible with complex special shapes and small diameter optical lenses and special shapes-Sirindicical lens
Compatible with complex special shapes and small diameter optical lenses and special shapes-Spherical lens
Compatible with complex special shapes and small diameter optical lenses and special shapes-Micro lens (small diameter lens)
Compatible with complex special shapes and small diameter optical lenses and special shapes-Non -sphere lens
Compatible with complex special shapes and small diameter optical lenses and special shapes-Taisho Kogaku

Compatible with complex special shapes and small diameter optical lenses and special shapes
Taisho Kogaku

Taisho Kogaku's Response Status

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About This Product

A combination of spheres and plane can be made and complex shapes by joining. Various optical thin films can be applied.

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    Compatible with complex special shapes and small diameter optical lenses and special shapes

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5 Models of Compatible with complex special shapes and small diameter optical lenses and special shapes

Click on the part number for more information about each product

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) curvature radius Spherical accuracy Outer diameter Z value Disgusting accuracy
Compatible with complex special shapes and small diameter optical lenses and special shapes-Part Number-Special shape

Special shape

Available upon quote - - - - -
Compatible with complex special shapes and small diameter optical lenses and special shapes-Part Number-Sirindicical lens

Sirindicical lens

Available upon quote

~ 1000R or more

Consultation by measurement methods, etc.

φ5 ~ (square shape is also possible)

- -
Compatible with complex special shapes and small diameter optical lenses and special shapes-Part Number-Spherical lens

Spherical lens

Available upon quote

5R or less to 1000R or above

0.25λ (N0.5) or less

φ0.55 to φ600 or more (square shape is also possible)

0.06 ~

10 seconds ~

Compatible with complex special shapes and small diameter optical lenses and special shapes-Part Number-Micro lens (small diameter lens)

Micro lens (small diameter lens)

Available upon quote

0.5R ~

0.25λ (N0.5) below

φ0.55 ~

0.06 -Consultation

30 seconds -Consultation

Compatible with complex special shapes and small diameter optical lenses and special shapes-Part Number-Non -sphere lens

Non -sphere lens

Available upon quote

10R or less to 500R or more

Several μ ~

φ5 to φ100 or more (square shape is also possible)

0.06 ~

10 seconds ~

Click on the part number for more information about each product

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