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Very Fast Response
Spectrum Analyzer MSA Series Options PC Software/Logging Software MAS410/510Handling Company
MicronicsClick on the part number for more information about each product
Image | Part Number | Price (excluding tax) | Estimated storage capacity (1 hour) | Estimated storage capacity (1 week) | Estimated storage capacity (1 minute) | Estimated storage capacity (1 day) |
MAS410 |
$ 1,267.50〜 |
3,600frame, about 4.2MB |
604,800frame, about 700MB |
60frame, about 70KB |
86,400frame, about 100MB |
MAS510 |
$ 1,267.50〜 |
3,600frame, about 4.2MB |
604,800frame, about 700MB |
60frame, about 70KB |
86,400frame, about 100MB |
Click on the part number for more information about each product
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