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PC9500 Expert type desktop pH/EC meter-PC9500
PC9500 Expert type desktop pH/EC meter-Apera Instruments Co., Ltd.

PC9500 Expert type desktop pH/EC meter
Apera Instruments Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

■Complete operating functions

・Desktop type that can measure multiple items such as pH, conductivity, TDS, salinity, and resistivity, and display two channels of pH/EC simultaneously. ・pH meter repeatability is ±0.002pH, EC repeatability is ±0.5%F.S, ideal for high precision measurement requirements. ・You can check the built-in operation manual on any screen using the i-Guide operation navigation key, making it easy to operate and troubleshoot problems. ・GLP-compatible printer/operation access control/sample information management such as user ID, electrode ID, and sample ID are useful for precise research analysis. ・Measurement records that comply with GLP data management requirements can be automatically or manually saved to the instrument, printer, or PC. - A slope that shows the deterioration state of the pH sensor is always displayed on the measurement screen, allowing you to determine when to maintain or replace the electrode. - Calibration reminders and calibration history can be checked to ensure measurement quality. ・Automatic calibration that can automatically recognize up to 8 types of EC calibration solutions/15 types of pH standard solutions, and navigate the correct calibration process. -Setting functions that can be adjusted freely according to measurement requirements (measured value automatic lock, EC electrode cell constant, reference temperature, temperature conversion constant, TDS conversion constant, etc.). ・Measurement value stability settings can be customized according to the measurement sample. - Equipped with a self-diagnosis function, useful for simple troubleshooting. ・Built-in automatic temperature compensation (ATC) function from 0 to 100 degrees Celsius even under easily changing temperature environments.

■Meter external design and product packaging for improved operational convenience

・Since it is a BNC connector type with flexible connectivity, it is possible to measure a variety of samples by using a pH electrode suitable for the purpose. ・Adopts TFT color liquid crystal, which is the mainstream liquid crystal panel, for comfortable water quality measurement. ・A measurement bench equipped with a stirrer and electrode holder is included as standard, allowing for seamless measurement. - Magnetic stirrer rotation speed can be set and saved. -The electrode holder can set up to three electrodes at the same time, and can be operated up and down and back and forth with one hand. ・Beaker, electrode protection cap, and stirring bar are installed to save space. - The measurement bench can be integrated with the instrument body or can be used as an independent type.

■Correct water quality measurement begins with reliable electrodes.

・Standard accessory glass EC electrode 2401T-F ・Standard accessory glass pH electrode LabSen211

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    PC9500 Expert type desktop pH/EC meter

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1 Models of PC9500 Expert type desktop pH/EC meter

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Instrument repeatability temperature Instrument repeatability Conductivity/TDS/Salinity/Resistivity Instrument repeatability pH Instrument repeatability ORP (mV) Display resolution Temperature Display resolution Resistivity Display resolution Conductivity (EC) Display resolution Salinity concentration Display resolution pH Display resolution TDS Display resolution ORP (mV) Measurement items Measuring range temperature Measurement range Resistivity Measuring range Electrical conductivity (EC) Measurement range Salinity concentration Measuring range pH Measuring range TDS Measuring range ORP (mV) Features Smart measurement bench Electrical conductivity (EC) temperature compensation range Electrical conductivity (EC) temperature conversion constant range Conductivity (EC) calibration points Conductivity (EC) calibration type Electrical conductivity (EC) reference temperature Electrical conductivity (EC) cell constant PH temperature compensation PH standard solution type Number of pH calibration points TDS conversion constant range
PC9500 Expert type desktop pH/EC meter-Part Number-PC9500


$ 1,235.00〜

±0.4℃±1 digit

±0.5%F.S±1 digit

±0.002pH±1 digit

±0.03%F.S±1 digit


0.1/1Ω·cm, 0.01/0.1/1 KΩ·cm, 0.1 MΩ·cm

0.01/0.1/1μS/cm; 0.01/0.1mS/cm

0.01/0.1/1 ppt;0.01/0.1 ppt


0.01/0.1/1mg/L; 0.01/0.1g/L

0.1/1 mV




0~2000.0mS/cm automatic range switching



0.1mg/L~500g/L Automatic range switching


0~50℃ automatic


1~4 points automatic




0~100℃ automatic or manual


1~5 points automatic


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