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Removal Rust and dirt of iron, brass, copper, etc. Industrial rust removal biorast/Inock screen-Reservoir
Removal Rust and dirt of iron, brass, copper, etc. Industrial rust removal biorast/Inock screen-Envyro Vision Co., Ltd.

Removal Rust and dirt of iron, brass, copper, etc. Industrial rust removal biorast/Inock screen
Envyro Vision Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

Neutral violas are mainly immersed or sprayed, and Inockscreens are applied with brushes and rollers to remove the walls. The acidic Inocscreen is more powerful. ・ Both products do not damage or change the surface of the base material, or damage the base material at all. Activates the interface between the base material and the rust, and the rust is floated and removed. It is a natural material and biodegradable, does not include flammable material, and is environmentally friendly and safe. -Biasty and Inocks Celine removes oxide films and stubborn dirt on the surface of non -ferrous alloys, such as iron, brass, copper, aluminum, and reproduces glossy surface. SUS is the best Inock screen. The rusting principle is due to "revitalization of the border between the base material and the rust". For this reason, it is unreasonable, without damaging the base material, and removes rust efficiently. Inocscreen also uses the reaction with phosphoric acid to remove rust.

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    Removal Rust and dirt of iron, brass, copper, etc. Industrial rust removal biorast/Inock screen

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2 Models of Removal Rust and dirt of iron, brass, copper, etc. Industrial rust removal biorast/Inock screen

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Removal Rust and dirt of iron, brass, copper, etc. Industrial rust removal biorast/Inock screen-Part Number-Reservoir


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Removal Rust and dirt of iron, brass, copper, etc. Industrial rust removal biorast/Inock screen-Part Number-Inock screen

Inock screen

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