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Sensors for process analysis Dissolved oxygen & dissolved carbon dioxide-CO2NTROL
Sensors for process analysis Dissolved oxygen & dissolved carbon dioxide-Central Scientific Trading Co., Ltd.

Sensors for process analysis Dissolved oxygen & dissolved carbon dioxide
Central Scientific Trading Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

■DCO2 (dissolved carbon dioxide) sensor

Dissolved carbon dioxide (DCO2) is a critical process parameter (CPP) in biopharmaceutical manufacturing processes according to PAT guidelines. By influencing extracellular and other parameters such as intracellular pH, they influence various metabolic pathways involved in cell growth or product formation and quality. Until now, continuous in-line monitoring of DCO2 was only possible with electrochemical sensors that indirectly measure DCO2 concentration based on the Severinghaus principle. The result is multiple sources of drift that must be corrected through high-maintenance and time-consuming product calibration. Hamilton is the only supplier to bring maintenance-free optical IR technology to SIP/CIP compliant 12mm CO2 sensors. The new in-line sensor CO2NTROL is a maintenance-free sensor that directly measures DCO2, increasing measurement accuracy and reducing maintenance costs.

■DO (dissolved oxygen) sensor

Partial pressure of dissolved oxygen (DO) plays an important role in many biological, chemical, and physical processes. Lung and lobar respiration, as well as fermentation of substrates by yeasts and bacteria, relies on differences in partial pressure. Dissolved oxygen content is important to the safety and quality of many other industrial processes. The most common techniques for measuring DO are traditionally used electrode methods and modern optical measurements. A conventional Clark-type electrode cell, in which the anode and cathode are separated from the sample by a gas-permeable membrane, produces a current that is proportional to the oxygen partial pressure of dissolved oxygen. The oxygen in the sensor is catalytically reduced by the electrolyte at the platinum anode. Silver is oxidized at the anode. Optical measurements are based on the principles of fluorescence measurements. The presence of oxygen attenuates the fluorescence. Compared to conventional methods, optical measurement methods are advantageous in that they do not require application time and have a fast response speed. Additionally, the measured values ​​are not affected by sample flow.

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    Sensors for process analysis Dissolved oxygen & dissolved carbon dioxide

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1 Models of Sensors for process analysis Dissolved oxygen & dissolved carbon dioxide

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) CIP/SIP Autoclave Wetted parts material Temperature range Measurement method Measuring range Diameter
Sensors for process analysis Dissolved oxygen & dissolved carbon dioxide-Part Number-CO2NTROL


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5 ~ 1,000 mbar, 0.5 ~ 100% Vol, 7.5 ~ 1,500 mg/L


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