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Anti-rust rust remover AGUA SR200-AGUA SR200
Anti-rust rust remover AGUA SR200-AGUA JAPAN Co., Ltd.

Anti-rust rust remover AGUA SR200

About This Product

■Three features of AGUA SR200

AGUA SR200 is a new rust preventive rust remover that effectively removes red rust and rust juice. Since it is a one-component product, there is no need to mix it, just apply it to the area where rust or rust juice is coming out and wait 30 minutes. Wipe it off with a rag to restore the beauty of freshly painted paint. Furthermore, anti-rust ingredients are added to prevent rust from returning. AGUA SR200 combines high workability and durability, making it ideal for use on ship decks.

■Falls well

AGUA SR200's anti-rust ingredients remove rust stains. Removes rust stains and does not damage iron substrates and paint.

■No hassle

It is a one-component rust remover, so there is no need for troublesome pre-preparation. The treatment is completed in one step by simply applying with a brush or roller, and there is no need to wash it with water.

■No return rust

Adds anti-rust ingredients. Forming a thin anti-rust film on the red rust area effectively prevents rust from forming.


For removing scale and rust from steel plates and pipes on ship decks, etc., and for temporary rust prevention after rust removal. It is also effective as a paint base for long-term rust prevention. It can be used not only for marine applications, but also for the following general (land) applications. ・Removal of rust/rust stains and prevention of recurrence ・Formation of a base before painting for long-term rust prevention (removal of rust stains and invisible rust-causing factors) ・Removal of all rust by soaking (removal of rust on parts and tanks that can be soaked and imparting simple rust prevention effect)

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    Anti-rust rust remover AGUA SR200

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1 Models of Anti-rust rust remover AGUA SR200

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Capacity Color
Anti-rust rust remover AGUA SR200-Part Number-AGUA SR200


Available upon quote

20kg, 1kg


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