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Relay/Coupler High frequency device (High frequency relay/coaxial switch) RN relay-ARN10A12
Relay/Coupler High frequency device (High frequency relay/coaxial switch) RN relay-Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd.

Relay/Coupler High frequency device (High frequency relay/coaxial switch) RN relay
Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd.

About This Product

■High frequency devices (high frequency relay/coaxial switch)

・A wide range of products from relays to coaxial switches. High frequency devices that support higher frequency bands ・Main applications: Communication equipment, measuring equipment, broadcasting equipment, base stations

■RN relay features

・Excellent high frequency characteristics (50 Ω, ~8 GHz) ・Small: Width (9.6 mm) x Length (14.6 mm) x Height (10 mm) ・2 GHz 150 W current available


・Measuring equipment ・Base station ・High frequency amplifiers such as radio equipment specs

■Electrical life (hot switch)

・More than 1 million times 10mA 10V DC (resistive load, switching frequency 20 times/min) ・1 million times or more 1W (2GHz, 50Ω, V.S.W.R. 1.15 or less) (high frequency load, switching frequency 20 times/min) ・1,000 times or more 80W (at 20℃, 2GHz, 50Ω, V.S.W.R. 1.15 or less with heat sink) (High frequency load, switching frequency ON: OFF = 5 seconds: 5 seconds)

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    Relay/Coupler High frequency device (High frequency relay/coaxial switch) RN relay

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1 Models of Relay/Coupler High frequency device (High frequency relay/coaxial switch) RN relay

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) V.S.W.R. Isolation Insertion loss Impedance Coil rated voltage Terms of use Protective structure Operating function Packaging form Frequency Rated power consumption Touching voltage (at 20℃) Contact capacity Contact material Contact configuration Contact energizing power (CW) Mechanical life (cold switch) Terminal shape Withstand voltage between contact and coil (initial) Withstand voltage between contacts (initial) Open circuit voltage (at 20℃)
Relay/Coupler High frequency device (High frequency relay/coaxial switch) RN relay-Part Number-ARN10A12


Available upon quote

1.1 or less (~1GHz)
1.15 or less (1~2GHz)
1.2 or less (2~3GHz)
1.3 or less (3~6GHz)

More than 60dB (~1GHz)
55dB or more (1~2GHz)
45dB or more (2~3GHz)
30dB or more (3~6GHz)

Less than 0.1dB (~1GHz)
0.12dB or less (1~2GHz)
Less than 45dB (2~3GHz)
Less than 30dB (3~6GHz)


12V DC

Temperature: -40 ~ +85℃ (-40 ~ +60℃ in our packaging form)
Humidity: 5~85%RH (no freezing or condensation)

Flux tight

Single stable type

Box packaging



75%V or less of coil rated voltage (initial)

80W (2GHz, 50Ω, V.S.W.R. 1.15 or less)

Au plating

1c (standard contact type)

150W or less (at 20℃, 2GHz, 50Ω, V.S.W.R. 1.15 or less, with heatsink)
100W or less (at 20℃, 2GHz, 50Ω, V.S.W.R. 1.15 or less, without heatsink)

More than 1 million times (opening/closing frequency: 180 times/min)

Surface mount terminal

500 V AC for 1 minute (detection current: 10 mA)

500 V AC for 1 minute (detection current: 10 mA)

10%V or more of coil rated voltage (initial)

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