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The highest performance imaging branch device series ISOPLANE 320 & ISOPLANE 160-160
The highest performance imaging branch device series ISOPLANE 320 & ISOPLANE 160-Teledyne LeCroy

The highest performance imaging branch device series ISOPLANE 320 & ISOPLANE 160
Teledyne LeCroy

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About This Product

■ Ultimate image quality ON-AXIS triple grating

The ISOPLANE series has been born as a spectacle device that has overcome all aberrations and makes full use of new designs in all optical systems, including grating, to improve the symmetry of the spectrum, and the peak value does not fluctuate at both ends and the center of 27 mm width. 160, which maintains a compact and compact image quality in 320 models, has been added.

■ Excellent image quality

Thorough pursuit of optical design achieves the highest image quality in the high -grade high range of 27mm width x22mm high. The convergence density of the spectrum is increased in CCDs equivalent to 20 µm elements compared to the conventional Zernitera optical spectroscope due to the abolition corrected effect, improving its peak and symmetry, which leads to resolution. 。 It is designed to take into account the removal of lost light and multiple diffraction, and has achieved high -size resolution compared to a small but considerable focal length division.

■ Experimental comparison between ISOPLANE320 and 50cm focal length division (non -point correction) * CCD element format 1,340x400 (26.8mmx8mm)

・ Comparison 1 Comparison of the distortion of images in the left edge, right, and central part of the CCD element area <ISOPLANE320> Point due to the characteristics of the unusual optical system, no distortion of the image occurs even when measured in the center, left and right, upper, lower, lower part of the CCD area. <Non -point aberration correction type spectroscopy> non -point correction, so the distortion of the statue is suppressed in the center of the element, but in the left, right, right, right, the area at the end of the left, right, right, and distortion, the statue is distorted. ・ Comparison 2 Raman image measurement in cyclohexan comparison of exposure time on the left and right area area <ISOPLANE320> Exposure time 1sec point isoplane can measure high sensitivity by imaging without distortion of the image image. Therefore, the detection of the conventional device can be detected in one -fifth exposure time. High sensitivity measurement is possible simply by changing the spectroscope to a gap type. ・ Comparison 3 Si Raman image measurement CCD The image in the center of the element area is compared with exposure time. It can be shortened.

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    The highest performance imaging branch device series ISOPLANE 320 & ISOPLANE 160

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3 Models of The highest performance imaging branch device series ISOPLANE 320 & ISOPLANE 160

Click on the part number for more information about each product

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Focal length Brightness Wavelength resolution (when using PMT) Wavelength resolution (when using CCD) Wavelength resolution (when using CCD Resxtreme) Reverse line dispersion Focal size Scan range (mechanical) Scanstep size Wavelength accuracy Wavelength reproducibility Grating mount Grating size Non -piggyrot aberration Incident slit Optical axis height Body dimensions weight interface
The highest performance imaging branch device series ISOPLANE 320 & ISOPLANE 160-Part Number-160


Available upon quote




0.16nm or Better Across A 27mm Wide Focal Plane

0.07nm or Better (Typ.)



0 to 1,400Nm


+/- 0.2 NM (Up to 0.02 NM with Intellical WaveLengthththththththry)

+/- 0.025 nm

Replacement 3 -piece Grating Tallet (Up to 3 Tallets can be mounted)



Manual variable (10 μm-3mm) Options: Motor drive type/Kinematic

5 "~ 5.875" variable type (127 ~ 149mm: Clamp fork compatible type)

299.7 (L) x248.9 (W) x218.4 (H) mm



The highest performance imaging branch device series ISOPLANE 320 & ISOPLANE 160-Part Number-320


Available upon quote




0.08 NM at all points on the focal plane

0.05 NM or Better (Typ.)



0 to 1,400Nm


+/- 0.2 NM (Up to 0.02 NM with Intellical WaveLengthththththththry)

+/- 0.015 nm

Replacement 3 -piece Grating Tallet (Up to 3 Tallets can be mounted)



Manual variable (10 μm-3mm) Options: Motor drive type/Kinematic

5 "~ 5.875" variable type (127 ~ 149mm: Clamp fork compatible type)

518 (L) x450 (W) x216 (H) mm



The highest performance imaging branch device series ISOPLANE 320 & ISOPLANE 160-Part Number-320 Advanced

320 Advanced

Available upon quote





0.04 NM or Better (Typ.)



0 to 1,400Nm


+/- 0.2 NM (Up to 0.02 NM with Intellical WaveLengthththththththry)

+/- 0.015 nm

Replacement 3 -piece Grating Tallet (Up to 3 Tallets can be mounted)



Manual variable (10 μm-3mm) Options: Motor drive type/Kinematic

5 "~ 5.875" variable type (127 ~ 149mm: Clamp fork compatible type)

518 (L) x450 (W) x216 (H) mm



Click on the part number for more information about each product

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Teledyne LeCroy was founded in 1964 and is headquartered in Chestnut Ridge, New York, with sales, service, and...

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