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Retail Products Water Loop System Heos-Heos
Retail Products Water Loop System Heos-CAREL Japan Co., Ltd.

Retail Products Water Loop System Heos
CAREL Japan Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

■Using water loops to control the condensing stage in refrigeration units, the condensing units are standardized and installation time and costs are significantly reduced. Additionally, this technology allows for a high degree of integration with air conditioning systems. Efficiency in installation locations such as buildings can be improved by the following factors:

・Reducing pressure drop in refrigeration systems ・Improving the efficiency of BLDC compressors and electronic expansion valves ・80% reduction in refrigerant charge ・96% reduction in refrigerant leakage ・Each device can operate independently and in its optimum condition. Heos Features

■Heos manages the showcase combined with the BLDC compressor (modulation operation) using the following special functions.

- Optimized food storage: In addition to being highly energy efficient, Heos sistema uses state-of-the-art algorithms to perfectly synchronize each part of the system to stabilize food temperatures, ensuring the highest quality. ・Predictive algorithms: Complete control of the refrigerant circuit by reading various values ​​(temperature, pressure) and managing various equipment (compressor, expansion valve, fan), the latest algorithms for the following purposes: implement. 1. On-demand defrost 2.Estimation of refrigerant leakage 3.COP optimization 4. Preventive maintenance

■This is due to the following board hardware resources:

・10 universal channels, analog inputs (probes) or digital/analog outputs (pump, fan regulation) using I/O chips (CAREL owned, using ASIC technology) ・3 analog outputs (fan, pump, etc.) ・7 digital outputs (lighting, defrost, fan on/off, general alarms, etc.) ・Two commands for monopolar electronic expansion valves (expansion, bypass, liquid injection) ・3 RS485 serial ports (local network, Fieldbus, BMS) ・SSR output for one anti-sweat heater

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