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Engine type crusher wood chipper HG-15HP-GGS-HG-15HP-GGS
Engine type crusher wood chipper HG-15HP-GGS-Higer Co., Ltd.

Engine type crusher wood chipper HG-15HP-GGS
Higer Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

■Easy to dispose of wood materials such as pruning.

By crushing it, its volume is reduced and it can be placed in a garbage bag and disposed of as household waste. If you take it to an industrial waste company, you can transport a lot at once if you break it down into small pieces.

■Can be crushed semi-automatically

Since the hopper (inlet) has a torticollis and a length, semi-automatic pulverization is possible using the weight of the material to be crushed and the crushing cutter.

■Ensuring safety during operation and maintenance

During operation, press the red lever on the input port to make an emergency stop. The engine will not start if the hopper is open.

■If it gets clogged, loosen the bolt and open the hopper.

If you stop the engine and remove the two bolts, you can see the crushing part. Pull the clogged branch to remove it. Never touch the blade when removing a clog.

■Evenly crushed with cyclone weight cutter

Heavy duty cutters (knives) have a high inertia (power to keep moving) and have a special shape that allows them to be stirred up by the wind to evenly crush the material.

■You can freely change the angle and direction

The direction and angle of the outlet can be changed. It is also possible to discharge directly onto the loading platform.

■Usage location image

-Crush finely and use as fertilizer ・For mulching (weed control) material ・For crushing large amounts of pruned branches - Easily dispose of household waste such as tree branches

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    Engine type crusher wood chipper HG-15HP-GGS

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1 Models of Engine type crusher wood chipper HG-15HP-GGS

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax)
Engine type crusher wood chipper HG-15HP-GGS-Part Number-HG-15HP-GGS


$ 1,151.09〜

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