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Anti-fog/reducing dust adhesion Conductive super hydrophilic coating [GFT83]-GFT83 100ml
Anti-fog/reducing dust adhesion Conductive super hydrophilic coating [GFT83]-GAST Giken Co., Ltd.

Anti-fog/reducing dust adhesion Conductive super hydrophilic coating [GFT83]
GAST Giken Co., Ltd.

About This Product

■Electrically conductive superhydrophilic coating agent

Forms an inorganic thin film with a hydrophilic molecular structure on the surface of the material, giving it hydrophilic functionality.


- Forms an inorganic thin film with a hydrophilic molecular structure on the surface of the base material, imparting hydrophilic functionality. ・Effective for cloud protection in high humidity environments and in conditions where condensation, freezing, and thawing occur repeatedly. ・Since it is a conductive thin film with a surface resistivity of about 3×10^11 or less, it prevents static electricity and reduces dust adhesion. If the antistatic performance is insufficient, you can obtain even lower resistivity by applying two coats or applying our antistatic coating agent GS90 as a base, increasing the dust adhesion reduction effect. ・Because it is a thin film, the decrease in transmittance is suppressed. ・Since it is an inorganic metal thin film type, it does not discolor even in places exposed to sunlight and remains effective for a long time. ・Since it is a water-soluble coating liquid, it will not roughen the resin surface. Additionally, it can be applied safely in non-explosion-proof environments.

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    Anti-fog/reducing dust adhesion Conductive super hydrophilic coating [GFT83]

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1 Models of Anti-fog/reducing dust adhesion Conductive super hydrophilic coating [GFT83]

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax)
Anti-fog/reducing dust adhesion Conductive super hydrophilic coating [GFT83]-Part Number-GFT83 100ml

GFT83 100ml

$ 19.50〜

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