Contains only natural plant -based surfactants Clean League Series-Uniform laundry detergent clean league 2kg
Contains only natural plant -based surfactants Clean League Series-Aber Bio Clean Co., Ltd.

Contains only natural plant -based surfactants Clean League Series
Aber Bio Clean Co., Ltd.

About This Product

■ Characteristics ・ Removes easily with a usage fee (about 20g of a tablespoon) with less dirt such as stubborn. ・ It is an environment -friendly detergent that contains only natural plant -based surfactants. It is disassembled by microorganisms such as rivers and does not cause water pollution. ・ The work of citric acid power has been improved and the bactericidal effect has been added. ・ Because it contains an enzyme that breaks down protein, it can easily remove dirt such as blood and sweat and spills. -Contains enzymes that work on fibers, dropped well in the back of the fiber, and provide soft and soft flexible effects. ・ Because there is also a bactericidal effect, the unpleasant smell of the laundry is also erased. The mold in the washing tub is also suppressed. ・ Because it is a low bubble detergent, it can be used in a drum -type washing machine, easy to rinse and saves water.

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    Contains only natural plant -based surfactants Clean League Series

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