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GroLine Wall Mounted pH/EC/TDS/℃ Monitor HI 981420-HI 981420
GroLine Wall Mounted pH/EC/TDS/℃ Monitor HI 981420-Hanna Instruments JAPAN

GroLine Wall Mounted pH/EC/TDS/℃ Monitor HI 981420
Hanna Instruments JAPAN

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About This Product

■GroLine series for agriculture and hydroponic cultivation

The GroLine series was created for agricultural and hydroponic growers. Among them, HI 981420 is a product that can constantly measure and monitor pH/EC/TDS/℃. The main role of conventional wall-mounted devices was to monitor the nutrient solution, but this device has unprecedented functionality and is useful for crop management.


Nutrient solution management for hydroponic cultivation in plant factories, greenhouse cultivation, and home gardens, water quality management for aquariums such as goldfish, etc. (Although this is a series for agriculture, it is useful in many applications as a pH/EC/TDS/℃ monitor.) *The electrode of this device has a cable length of 2m, is IP68 waterproof, and can be immersed up to 2m.

■Easy to see and understand measurement values

pH, EC (or TDS) and temperature are displayed simultaneously and are backlit so they can be read clearly even in the dark. In addition, the alarm function allows you to set upper and lower limits for each item, and if the value exceeds (below) the set value, the backlight on the screen and the measured value outside the range will flash to notify you.

■Understand movements (trends) in nutrient solution values

HI 981420 automatically saves measurement values. Records data for the past 30 days every 15 minutes. Maximum, minimum, and average values ​​can be viewed at any time, and graphs can also be displayed. This allows you to understand the movement (trend) of the nutrient solution value and consider its causes and countermeasures.

■Calibrate pH and EC at the same time

The HI 981420 can calibrate pH and EC simultaneously by using a dedicated pH/EC simple standard solution. Usually, standard solutions are required for pH and EC calibration, but this is a very convenient function that allows you to use only one standard solution. (pH/EC simple standard solution: pH is 6.86pH, EC is 5.00mS/cm)

■Data transfer is also possible.

Data saved on the main unit can be transferred from the main unit to a PC using a USB memory or USB cable. It is displayed in CSV format on a PC and is convenient to manage. *The USB port of this device is USB-C (Type-C).

■Set contents

Main unit, pH/EC/TDS/℃ electrode (HI 1285-8), 2 bags of pH/EC simple standard solution, 2 bags of electrode cleaning solution, 12VDC adapter, Japanese instruction manual, etc.

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    GroLine Wall Mounted pH/EC/TDS/℃ Monitor HI 981420

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1 Models of GroLine Wall Mounted pH/EC/TDS/℃ Monitor HI 981420

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Power supply Electrode Temperature compensation Temperature coefficient Temperature accuracy Temperature measurement range External environment used Data transfer Data storage Size, weight Alarm PH accuracy @25℃ PH measurement range PH calibration TDS accuracy @25℃ TDS measurement range TDS calibration GLP EC/TDS conversion rate EC accuracy @25℃ EC measurement range EC calibration
GroLine Wall Mounted pH/EC/TDS/℃ Monitor HI 981420-Part Number-HI 981420

HI 981420

$ 552.50〜

12VDC adapter

HI 1285-8 (pH/EC/TDS/℃), Body material: Polypropylene,
Cable length: 2m, waterproof: IP68 (can be submerged up to 2m)

Automatic (0.0~60.0℃)



0.0~60.0℃ (Detection unit: 0.1℃)

0~50℃ (relative humidity 95% or less) Waterproofing of main body: IP65

Connect the main unit to a PC using a USB memory or USB cable

Automatically saves data for the past 30 days every 15 minutes

Body: length 125 x width 185 x thickness 38mm, 333g
Electrode: diameter 25 x length 187mm, 191g

The screen flashes when the set value (upper/lower limit) is exceeded.

±0.05pH, ±0.1pH

0.00~14.00pH (Detection unit: 0.01pH), 0.0~14.0pH (Detection unit: 0.1pH)

Automatic 1-point or 2-point calibration


0~5,000ppm (TDS conversion rate 0.5), 0~7,000ppm (TDS conversion rate 0.7) Detection unit: 10ppm

By EC calibration

Displays the past 5 calibration information for pH and EC

Select from 0.5 or 0.7

±0.1mS/cm (0.00~5.00mS/cm), ±0.2mS/cm (5.00~10.00mS/cm)

0.00~10.00mS/cm (Detection unit: 0.01mS/cm)

Automatic one-point calibration

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