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Res-ID Resid Press mold and plastic mold parts CBN wheel for polishing Stable sharpness regardless of material Visdy BN-BB1501A
Res-ID Resid Press mold and plastic mold parts CBN wheel for polishing Stable sharpness regardless of material Visdy BN-International Diamond Co., Ltd.

Res-ID Resid Press mold and plastic mold parts CBN wheel for polishing Stable sharpness regardless of material Visdy BN
International Diamond Co., Ltd.

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About This Product


■Bisdi BN bond, suitable for iron type

Bisdi BN Bond pursues a satisfying edge for iron-based bonding. This is a new bond that uses a special resin and contains a well-balanced filler that takes into account iron-based materials with different properties. Eliminates causes such as burning of the workpiece due to clogging of the grindstone, unpleasant noise, loss of dimensional accuracy, and warping of thin workpieces. Compared to our conventional products as well as other manufacturers, power consumption and grinding resistance have been significantly reduced, resulting in sustained and excellent cutting. When machining SKD11, as shown in the section power data, with other companies' products, the power was stable until the third time, but after the fourth time, abnormal noises occurred as the power increased, and no improvement was seen until the end. It was. On the other hand, with Bisdi BN, the power was stable from the first time to the end, and the grinding sound was good and continued. Additionally, the reduction in integrated power was particularly noticeable when processing SKD61. Grinding wheel wear has been reduced by 30% compared to other companies, and SKH51 has reduced wear by 20%.

■Bisdi BN abrasive grain

Polishes iron-based materials with a textured 60% nickel alloy coating that increases the surface area of ​​the abrasive grains, allowing for excellent abrasive retention and heat dissipation to quickly remove grinding heat. This is an abrasive grain developed for By combining it with the new bond, it has become possible to demonstrate even higher performance. Features

■Accumulated power

Reduced power consumption for all materials

■Whetstone wear

Reduced grinding wheel wear

■Section power

Stable power consumption and lasting power consumption

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    Res-ID Resid Press mold and plastic mold parts CBN wheel for polishing Stable sharpness regardless of material Visdy BN

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1 Models of Res-ID Resid Press mold and plastic mold parts CBN wheel for polishing Stable sharpness regardless of material Visdy BN

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Res-ID Resid Press mold and plastic mold parts CBN wheel for polishing Stable sharpness regardless of material Visdy BN-Part Number-BB1501A


Available upon quote





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