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Electromagnetic wave control technology solution in electric circuits LILL-LILL
Electromagnetic wave control technology solution in electric circuits LILL-iCast Co., Ltd.

Electromagnetic wave control technology solution in electric circuits LILL
iCast Co., Ltd.

About This Product

■Product overview

"LILL" is a technology that controls electromagnetic waves in electrical circuits. It has the function of reflecting electromagnetic waves, and mainly contributes to speeding up circuits and suppressing electromagnetic noise on the power supply side.

■LILL low impedance lossy line

The electromagnetic waves generated by switching, which are necessary for voltage excitation, must all be transmitted from the switch to the signal side, but half of them must first propagate to the power supply side, reflect from the power supply, return, and then be transmitted to the signal side. Only after this happens is the voltage fully excited and the circuit begins to operate. According to calculations based on isolated electromagnetic wave theory, the time difference between when the electromagnetic wave propagates halfway to the power source and returns matches the actual time difference from switching to voltage excitation. Therefore, by constructing a structure that reflects electromagnetic waves right next to the switch on the power supply side, this time difference can be made as small as possible, and the voltage will be excited instantly after switching. This electromagnetic wave reflecting structure is called "LILL.

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    Electromagnetic wave control technology solution in electric circuits LILL

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