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Used in all major electrochemical experiments available in Poten Shut Galvanostat EC301
Cons Technology Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

It is the optimal high -precision potencostat (constant potential device) / galvanostat (constant current device) (constant current device). Equipped with a touch panel, you can easily prepare a predetermined electrode by stand -alone operation. It also offers a dedicated Windows software and can be used in all major electrochemical experiments. The command setting of the main unit is open and supports its own waveform using user software.

■ Potenco Stat/Galvanostat principle and mechanism

When performing electrochemical measurements such as batteries and sensors, accurate accuracy is required to measure and control the voltage accurately. Also, if electricity flows to the target to be measured, accurate measurements will be impossible. Therefore, by using the potentialat (constant potential device), accurate measurements are possible without flowing electricity to the object. DC -chemical measurement is used, but the polar polarization measurement is used, but the potent shoot is used to control the potential between the action electrodes and the reference electrodes, and on the other hand, when measuring the potential between the action electrodes and the reference electrodes, Garban. Stat (constant current device) is used. A device that combines potentialuts and galvanostat is usually called P/Gstat. The EC301 is also a P/G stat, and you can prepare a predetermined electrode by stand -alone operation. The EC301 can be easily processed on a computer with a dedicated Windows software, and supports Ethernet and GPIB interface.

■ Main applications and markets

Potencho stats and galvanostat are used as a DC, polarized polar polar measurement for cyclic voltanometry, chrono ampermetry, chronopotene metrometry, and electrochemical noise measurement. Cons Technology handles one model of EC301.

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    Used in all major electrochemical experiments available in Poten Shut Galvanostat EC301

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