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High-performance asphalt adhesion prevention agent Nepalan series-Neparan Eco W
High-performance asphalt adhesion prevention agent Nepalan series-SAKAI HEAVY INDUSTRIES,LTD.

High-performance asphalt adhesion prevention agent Nepalan series

About This Product

■High-performance modification (high viscosity) Need for asphalt mixture adhesion prevention agent for asphalt

In the construction of high-performance modified asphalt, compaction must generally be completed at high temperatures to increase compaction density. Additionally, when a highly volatile petroleum-based material (such as light oil) is used as an anti-adhesive agent for a high-performance binder, the performance of the binder deteriorates, causing problems. Therefore, a high-performance "asphalt mixture adhesion prevention agent" that has little effect on the binder is needed.

■Mechanism of adhesion of composite material (relationship between temperature and adhesion)

The asphalt mixture adheres to the tire surface because there is a difference in surface temperature between the asphalt mixture and the tire surface, which causes the asphalt mixture to cool and adhere to the tire due to the asphalt binder (adhesive). It is said that adhesion is difficult if the difference between the asphalt mixture surface temperature and the tire surface temperature is within 30℃ to 60℃. As the rise in tire surface temperature is greatly affected by outside temperature and on-site work conditions, an asphalt mixture adhesion prevention agent is required. In cold seasons or when using modified high-viscosity asphalt mixture, it is necessary to increase the concentration of Neparan, which is diluted with water.

■Neparan Eco W “Water mixture type”

A water-soluble asphalt mixture adhesion prevention agent that prevents heated asphalt mixture from adhering to the tires and wheels of paving machinery in general. By changing the dilution ratio, it can be used in a wide range of applications, from straight asphalt mixes to modified (high performance) asphalt mixes. Continuous spraying on tires and steel wheels at large-scale construction sites or nighttime construction sites reduces the labor of operators involved in preventing adhesion of composite materials.

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    High-performance asphalt adhesion prevention agent Nepalan series

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1 Models of High-performance asphalt adhesion prevention agent Nepalan series

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Part No. Component Flash point Exterior Classification (Fire Service Act) Freezing temperature
High-performance asphalt adhesion prevention agent Nepalan series-Part Number-Neparan Eco W

Neparan Eco W

Available upon quote


Vegetable oil, surfactant, water-soluble solvent, oil-soluble solvent, tap water


Transparent liquid (light yellow)

Non-dangerous goods

0℃ (at dilution)

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Sakai Heavy Industries, Ltd. is a company established in 1918 and based in Tokyo, Japan, as a manufacturer of ...

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