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AC measurement standard 5790B-5790B
AC measurement standard 5790B-Fluke Calibration

AC measurement standard 5790B
Fluke Calibration

About This Product

■High-accuracy AC voltage/current measurement

The 5790B is designed for use in a wide variety of applications required in everyday calibration tasks, and combines the high accuracy of thermal transfer standards with the ease of use of a digital multimeter. It is a measurement standard. Uncertainty in absolute AC voltage measurements is as low as ± 24 ppm (1 year, 23°C ± 5°C). 5790B is a multi-function calibrator 5730A, 5720A and 5700A, multi-product calibrator 5522A, 5502A, 5520A, 5500A and other calibrators, 52 Designed to meet the complete AC voltage and broadband verification requirements of amplifiers such as 120A, 5725A, 5205A/5215A, as well as transfer standards and AC voltmeters. (5720A, 5700A, 5520A, 5500A, 5205A/5215A are discontinued) The 5790B has an AC voltage range of 600 μV to 1000 V and a frequency range of 10 Hz to 1 MHz. Wideband voltage options extend the frequency range to 30MHz or 50MHz. The 5790B is also compatible with the Fluke A40B current shunt, allowing direct, absolute or relative current measurements without calculations. The 5790B can be used alone or as a transfer standard for external AC/DC sources. In either case, the tedious switching and calculations are automatically performed by the 5790B, and the resulting AC/DC difference is displayed directly on the easy-to-read 6.5-inch color touchscreen display.

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    AC measurement standard 5790B

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1 Models of AC measurement standard 5790B

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Altitude South Korea (KCC) Power supply Weight United States (FCC) Relative humidity Maximum power Size Safety standards International standards Input Wideband input Input Aux Input 2 Input 1 Confidence level Reliability Remote interface Surge Warm up time AC/DC voltage
AC measurement standard 5790B-Part Number-5790B


Available upon quote

Operation: 3,050 m (10,000 feet)
Non-operating: 12,200 m (40,000 feet)

Class A Equipment (Industrial Broadcasting & Communication Equipment)

50Hz or 60Hz; 100V - 120V, 220V - 240V
100V, 110V, 115V, 120V, 200V, 220V, 230V, 240V

5790B: 24 kg (53 lb)
With broadband option: 24.5 kg (54 lb)

47 CFR 15 subpart B. This product is considered an exempt device per clause 15.103.

Operation: 45% to 50 ℃ 75% to 45 ℃ 95% to 30 ℃
Storage: <95% non-condensing

5790B: 100VA

Height: 17.8 cm (7 in) with standard rackmount kit + 1.5 cm (0.6 in)
Width: 43.2 cm (17 in)
Depth: 62 cm (24.8 in)

Compliant with UL1244, IEC 348-1976, IEC 1010, CSA C22.2 No. 231, ANSI/ISA S82

IEC 61326-1: Controlled Electromagnetic Environment - CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A

<7V rms wideband

250 mV ~ 500 mV

600 µV ~ 1,000 V (5% over-range)

600 µV ~ 1,000 V (5% over-range)

99% unless otherwise specified

MIL-T-2880D, paragraph 3.13.3

RS-232, IEEE-488, USB, Ethernet

ANSI C62.41-1980, Category A

30 minutes

Best 99%, absolute specification: ± 24 ppm (1 year, 23 °C to ± 5 °C)

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