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Photodetector/analyzer for photoelectron spectroscopy X-ray/electron beam (CCD, MCP, etc.) High-sensitivity cooled CCD detector for X-ray measurement-DO920P
Photodetector/analyzer for photoelectron spectroscopy X-ray/electron beam (CCD, MCP, etc.) High-sensitivity cooled CCD detector for X-ray measurement-Tokyo Instruments, Inc

Photodetector/analyzer for photoelectron spectroscopy X-ray/electron beam (CCD, MCP, etc.) High-sensitivity cooled CCD detector for X-ray measurement
Tokyo Instruments, Inc

💻 Electronics & Electrical Use

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About This Product

■Highly sensitive cooled CCD detector for X-ray measurement

Detector suitable for each energy band can be selected from direct detection type, indirect detection type with phosphor coating, and fiber coupling type.

■Product overview

Andor Technology's "X-ray CCD detector" is a high energy detector with high sensitivity and low noise. There are direct detection types and indirect detection types that detect different energies. The direct detection type does not have a window and is mounted with an ICF152 flange. The indirect type includes a fiber coupling type and a model with beryllium input window and phosphor coat. There are two types of CCD sensors: a horizontal type suitable for spectroscopy, and a square type suitable for imaging.

■New sensor

The BEN sensor, which is an even more sensitive version of the highly sensitive direct detection BN sensor, has been added to the lineup. This enables detection with even higher sensitivity in the VUV to XUV region.

■Introducing iKon XL 'SO' with 4,096 x 4,112 elements and 16.8 million pixels

A large area model iKon XL 'SO' has been added to the DO type X-ray CCD detector. With a pixel count of 16 megapixels, it is possible to measure in a very wide field of view, a dynamic range of up to 18 bits, and a quantum well of 350,000 e-, which enables measurements with an even higher S/N ratio.

■3 types of camera heads

・Open front end DO type (ICF152 flange standard equipment) ・DF type of fiber coupling ・Beryllium input window, DY type with phosphor coating


・High sensitivity quantum efficiency>90%@1.8keV (direct detection type BN/BEN sensor) ・Can be cooled down to -100℃ (DO type) ・Low noise 0.00012e-/pixel/s (DO934P)

■Main uses

・Spectroscopy, imaging, and time-resolved measurements in the VUV and X-ray regions ・Plasma measurement ・Weak light measurement using scintillator, etc.

■New sensor

The BEN sensor, which is an even more sensitive version of the highly sensitive direct detection BN sensor, has been added to the lineup. This enables detection with even higher sensitivity in the VUV to XUV region.

  • Product

    Photodetector/analyzer for photoelectron spectroscopy X-ray/electron beam (CCD, MCP, etc.) High-sensitivity cooled CCD detector for X-ray measurement
  • Usage Scenarios

    Electronics & Electrical Use

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1 Models of Photodetector/analyzer for photoelectron spectroscopy X-ray/electron beam (CCD, MCP, etc.) High-sensitivity cooled CCD detector for X-ray measurement

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Read noise (rms, typical value) Number of elements Element size Window type Detection area Minimum cooling temperature (typical) Dark current (e-/pixel/sec, typical value) Dynamic range Sensor type Interface
Photodetector/analyzer for photoelectron spectroscopy X-ray/electron beam (CCD, MCP, etc.) High-sensitivity cooled CCD detector for X-ray measurement-Part Number-DO920P


Available upon quote

4e- (@50kHz)



No window (ICF152 flange)


Air cooling -80℃
Water cooling -100℃

0.0001 (FI,@-100℃)




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Tokyo Instruments, Inc., established in 1981, and headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, is a manufacturer of opto-ele...

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