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Isotop Spring isolator SE-DE, SE-DE mini that realizes efficient vibration countermeasures-SE-DE
Isotop Spring isolator SE-DE, SE-DE mini that realizes efficient vibration countermeasures-Nippon Getzner Co., Ltd.

Isotop Spring isolator SE-DE, SE-DE mini that realizes efficient vibration countermeasures
Nippon Getzner Co., Ltd.

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About This Product


Getzner's spring/damper elements Isotop are primarily used as elastic supports for low-frequency equipment such as HVAC installations, cogeneration plants, refrigeration systems, cooling towers, air conditioners, ventilators, pumps, etc. Depending on the calculated load, the natural frequency (resonant frequency) can be adjusted down to 3.0 Hz to effectively damp vibrations.

■Product characteristics

・Ideal for use in low frequency equipment ・Natural frequency can be adjusted up to 3.0Hz ・Supports maximum load in small area ・Excellent material properties due to the combination of Sylomer® or Sylodyn® and steel springs

■Isotop® SE-DE

Isotop® SE-DE, SE-DE Elevator (specially developed for elevators) or SE-DE Mini is an element that simulates a pseudo double-elastic mount with an additional heavy intermediate mass. Getzner's solution is used when fitting heavy intermediate masses (such as concrete) is not possible. Solid-borne sound can be specially isolated by a multilayer structure. Isotop® SE-DE is used for mounting: elevator motors, RLT systems, chillers and CHP. The compact mounting element SE-DE Mini is particularly suitable for applications where structure-borne sound is to be effectively reduced in limited spaces. Loads up to 1000 kg per element. In addition, it is used for vibration isolation of vibration sources or vibrated objects such as machines and assemblies.

■Main characteristics

・Sandwich element for double anti-vibration mount EL-3 according to VDI 2566 ・Formation of up to 3 insulation layers using Sylomer® / Sylodyn® ・Getzner elevator solutions ・Double anti-vibration mount ・Point support mount ・Minimum natural frequency is 7Hz ・Standard: DIN EN ISO 1461, VDI-2566


・Quick installation ・Unified size ・Accurate setting of natural frequency ・Absorbs high dynamic load peaks ・Economical ・Long service life ・High corrosion resistance ・Highly reliable anti-vibration measures ・Diverse scope of use ・Higher damping effect compared to single vibration isolation method

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    Isotop Spring isolator SE-DE, SE-DE mini that realizes efficient vibration countermeasures

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1 Models of Isotop Spring isolator SE-DE, SE-DE mini that realizes efficient vibration countermeasures

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Isotop Spring isolator SE-DE, SE-DE mini that realizes efficient vibration countermeasures-Part Number-SE-DE


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