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VR Virtual Reality Solution VR Technology inheritance-VR technology inheritance
VR Virtual Reality Solution VR Technology inheritance-Crossclover

VR Virtual Reality Solution VR Technology inheritance

About This Product

VR technology inheritance Skilled technology, advanced technology, traditional technology overview In the conventional way, VR can be used to solve issues, such as the fact that the skills and skills associated with the retirement of skilled people are not sufficiently inherited, it takes a lot of time to acquire advanced technology, and that traditional technology must be conveyed to future generations. 1. Inheritance of skilled people Unlike the manual, it is possible to repeat the live action of 360 ° video from the skill of a skilled person, so it is possible to convey hearing information in addition to visual information. 2. Inheritance of advanced technology By utilizing VR as one of the educational materials such as newcomers and mid -career education, the proficiency level can be improved in a shorter period than before. 3. Inheritance of traditional technology With the decrease in learning local traditional techniques as the aging and declining birthrate have decreased, it can be inherited to future generations by accumulating VR content. VR is an abbreviation of Virtual Reality (virtual reality). Apart from the real world, it creates a virtual world and experience (for example, a head -mounted display to experience the virtual world).

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    VR Virtual Reality Solution VR Technology inheritance

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