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VR Virtual Reality (Virtual Reality) Solution VR Safety Education-VR safety education
VR Virtual Reality (Virtual Reality) Solution VR Safety Education-Crossclover

VR Virtual Reality (Virtual Reality) Solution VR Safety Education

About This Product

VR safety education Construction / civil engineering industry, manufacturing, transportation / logistics, municipalities overview Dangerous sites such as accidents in workplace work, altitude work, and disaster prevention drills such as fires can be reproduced with a realistic VR, and experiencing it can lead to reduced accidents. Because it is a 360 ° video, you can get a sense of immersion in you. 1. Accident experience Combine 360 ​​° videos and CG for patterns of various accidents to recreate accidents that cannot be experienced everyday and reduce accidents. 2. Dangerous work experience To experience the dangerous workplace of the 360 ​​° video of live -action in advance for newcomers and mid -career education, reduce accidents such as crashing, falling, burns. 3. Disaster experience VR reproduction of evacuation drills for natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and fire, etc. with VR, and to raise awareness of unexpected disasters on a daily basis. VR is an abbreviation of Virtual Reality (virtual reality). Apart from the real world, it creates a virtual world and experience (for example, a head -mounted display to experience the virtual world).

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    VR Virtual Reality (Virtual Reality) Solution VR Safety Education

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VR safety education

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