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Fresh warm storage/prefabricated refrigerator-Fresh warm storage/prefabricated refrigerator 2 tsubo type
Fresh warm storage/prefabricated refrigerator-Asahi Mentex Co., Ltd.

Fresh warm storage/prefabricated refrigerator
Asahi Mentex Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

■What is Senonko?

This is a high-performance refrigerator developed to store flowers and fruits and vegetables at a temperature close to their specific freezing point. The temperature inside the refrigerator is controlled within ±0.2℃ relative to the set temperature. By preserving the freshness of flowers for long periods of time, and by storing various foods such as vegetables, fruits, meat, seafood, and fermented foods in ice-temperate zones, we can preserve their freshness while aging them at freezing temperatures. It will be reborn as a product with added value. It also makes it possible to reduce product waste and contribute to "Responsible Production and Consumption" as set out in Goal 12 of the SDGs. Senonko is a certified product of the Ice Temperature Association (public corporation). Advantages of Asahi Mentex's hot storage

■Drastically increases the lifespan of vegetables and fruits

Since the taste and freshness can be maintained for a long period of time, it is possible to adjust the timing of shipment.

■Make vegetables and fruits fresher and more delicious

By aging vegetables and fruits at ice temperature, they are transformed into products with even more flavor.

■Certified products of the Ice Temperature Association

This is a frozen temperature certified product that has passed the strict examination by the Ice Temperature Association (Public Corporation) regarding its ability to control temperature and humidity inside the refrigerator.

■Contributing to reducing waste loss

By making it possible to maintain the freshness of flowers and fresh foods for a long period of time, waste loss can be significantly reduced.

■Hibernate flowers and fruits to maintain freshness

Cut flowers and fruit begin to deteriorate (sore) from the moment they are harvested. In order to maintain the freshness of flowers, we must suppress three factors: respiration (metabolism), drying (evaporation), and decay (pathogenesis). If we can control the causes of deterioration, such as breathing, drying, and rotting, we can maintain freshness for a long period of time. ``Sen'onko'' is stored at a temperature close to the freezing point, minimizing respiration and spoilage.It is also equipped with a unique high-precision humidifier that allows it to withstand dryness, resulting in long-term storage. It is now possible to save.

■Enables systematic purchasing of flowers and leveling of work.

Since flowers can be kept fresh for a long period of time, it is possible to make cut flowers in advance, and it is possible to systematically level out working hours and manpower during busy periods. Since bulk purchasing and planned purchasing can be carried out, it is possible to respond to fluctuations in market prices in advance of days such as Obon and Equinox. In addition, you can keep flowers fresh by simply putting them in the cardboard packaging or landing bucket you bought at the market in a fresh storage room, and you can significantly reduce the amount of discarded flowers.

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    Fresh warm storage/prefabricated refrigerator

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1 Models of Fresh warm storage/prefabricated refrigerator

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Fresh warm storage/prefabricated refrigerator 2 tsubo type

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