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High accuracy of ±5cm Real-time position detection Iroto Product Location-Product Location
High accuracy of ±5cm Real-time position detection Iroto Product Location-Infofarm Co., Ltd.

High accuracy of ±5cm Real-time position detection Iroto Product Location
Infofarm Co., Ltd.

About This Product

Iroato is an IoT platform that utilizes Chameleon Code. By utilizing the characteristics of Chameleon Code, we support operational efficiency, labor saving, labor saving, and automation. Automatically determines where materials, products, and equipment are stored in factories and warehouses. A network camera constantly collects the location of objects with chameleon codes attached, and automatically records what, when, and where. If you search on a tablet or smartphone, you can immediately identify the location, so you can eliminate the travel time and distance required for the search. function

■Reduction of search time

We obtain the location of products and work-in-progress in real time. You can quickly search from your device.

■Control automatic conveyance machine

Products can be automatically picked up based on location information from Product Location.

■Knowing free space

When searching for a place to store your items, you can quickly check available places. Achieves smooth stocking without waste.

■Process progress

You can identify the location of work-in-progress and understand where the products are located.

■Advantages of introduction

- Because it is recognized by a camera, it is possible to obtain position information with an error of several centimeters, allowing you to accurately determine the location of objects. ・Systems such as automatic transport machines can be controlled using accurate position information. ・Since you can see the available space, there is no need to look for a place to put it. ・By identifying where things are stuck, you can check the progress of the process in real time.

■Image of use

- Paste the chameleon code on the finished product or work-in-progress and place it anywhere. - Automatically recognizes the code affixed to finished products and work-in-process products and registers it in the database. - Registered data can be searched from the terminal. Based on the search results, we will go to the location to pick up the item. AGV: Can also be linked with automatic conveyance machines.

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    High accuracy of ±5cm Real-time position detection Iroto Product Location

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1 Models of High accuracy of ±5cm Real-time position detection Iroto Product Location

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