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MORFACE Non-combustible mortar decorative board with a wide range of uses Plastering de panel-MOR-01
MORFACE Non-combustible mortar decorative board with a wide range of uses Plastering de panel-Tozai Create Co., Ltd.

MORFACE Non-combustible mortar decorative board with a wide range of uses Plastering de panel
Tozai Create Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

■Dry construction

MORFACE® is a general term for "HS (High Spec) Mortar Finish" products developed by Tozai Create. There is no need for plasterers to perform wet finishing on site, and decorative panels can be finished in a short time using dry construction. There is no need to arrange for a plasterer, which has become difficult in recent years, so you can easily enjoy plastering.

■Safe finishing at our own factory

- Eliminates some of the disadvantages of traditional plastering, such as arranging craftsmen, construction time, curing, and construction costs. Finished “Morface” is shipped directly from the factory to the site. ・“Morface” is produced in a stable factory environment that is not affected by the skill of the craftsman, climate, temperature, humidity, etc., eliminating the concerns of clients and designers.



■It is a noncombustible decorative panel finished with mortar plastering. Each piece is finished by a craftsman at the factory.

・No need to arrange for a plasterer ・No curing period required, reducing construction time on site ・Easy to install as processing such as cutting and drilling and nailing are possible. ・Ideal as a DIY material due to easy dry construction This is a non-combustible decorative board made from Keical board and finished with thinly coated mortar (HS mortar). It is characterized by the rough look and rich texture of the plastering trowel finish. Can be used in a wide range of areas including walls, ceilings, and furniture.

■Surprising processing characteristics

・This is a decorative panel product with processing performance that cannot be imagined from the appearance of plastering. ・Processing such as cutting and opening can be done with tools such as circular saws. ・Crimping work using air finishing and nailing is also easy.

■Strength of finished surface = processing performance and construction performance

・High-spec mortar surface originally developed by Tozai Create ・Due to its strength characteristics, it is now possible to ship mortar-finished panels as panels. This is a building material (panel) that was not possible with conventional mortar walls (plastering material). We ship plastered walls made using the wet method as ``an easy finishing material made using the dry method'' and ``factory-finished decorative panels.''

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    MORFACE Non-combustible mortar decorative board with a wide range of uses Plastering de panel

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2 Models of MORFACE Non-combustible mortar decorative board with a wide range of uses Plastering de panel

Click on the part number for more information about each product

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Painting material Base material Size
MORFACE Non-combustible mortar decorative board with a wide range of uses Plastering de panel-Part Number-MOR-01


Available upon quote

HS (high spec) mortar

Nonflammable Keical (t6mm)

450x450x thickness - 6 base materials + 1~3 coating materials [mm] ≒ 1.4 kg/sheet

MORFACE Non-combustible mortar decorative board with a wide range of uses Plastering de panel-Part Number-MOR-02


Available upon quote

HS (high spec) mortar

Nonflammable Keical (t6mm)

600x1,200x thickness - 6 base materials + 1~3 coating materials [mm] ≒ 5.4 kg/sheet

Click on the part number for more information about each product

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