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Fourier transform infrared spectrometer near-infrared/mid-infrared/far-infrared Spectrum 3 series-Spectrum 3 FTIR
Fourier transform infrared spectrometer near-infrared/mid-infrared/far-infrared Spectrum 3 series-Cosmo Trading Co., Ltd.

Fourier transform infrared spectrometer near-infrared/mid-infrared/far-infrared Spectrum 3 series
Cosmo Trading Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

Spectrum 3 extends the optimal wavenumber range for sample analysis by covering three ranges (NIR-MIR-FIR) in one with an automatic beam splitter switching unit. A wide range of accessories allows you to analyze any sample, including solids, liquids, powders, gels, pastes, films, and even gas samples. Features

■An experience like never before

Spectrum3 is packed with advanced innovations designed to give you the best performance in your daily analysis. ・Extend the wavelength range of MIR dedicated equipment with new beam splitter ・Extended beam splitter (11,000cm-1 to 375cm-1) ・A new long-life diode laser can be selected (optional) ・Interferometer with unparalleled long life and high reliability It comes with a 10-year parts warranty, and the entire system requires minimal maintenance.

■Improvement of work efficiency

Speed ​​up routine analyzes by running analyzes directly from your instrument's SmartPanel™ without returning to your PC. Increase analysis efficiency and save time and effort. You can also easily share data between sites by accessing IR data anytime, anywhere, and from any device via cloud connectivity.

■Automatic atmospheric correction technology (AVC technology)

We have developed the world's first function to remove spectrum interference caused by atmospheric changes in real time. This feature is more than just water vapor difference spectroscopy. PerkinElmer's proprietary technology automatically calculates correction terms for minute changes in the atmosphere and wavenumber shifts without using nitrogen gas or dry air, and compensates for interference to the infrared spectrum due to absorption bands of water vapor and CO2 present in the optical path. is.

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    Fourier transform infrared spectrometer near-infrared/mid-infrared/far-infrared Spectrum 3 series

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5 Models of Fourier transform infrared spectrometer near-infrared/mid-infrared/far-infrared Spectrum 3 series

Click on the part number for more information about each product

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Measurement wavenumber range Detector Light source Optical system Beam splitter (B/S) Size/weight
Fourier transform infrared spectrometer near-infrared/mid-infrared/far-infrared Spectrum 3 series-Part Number-Spectrum 3 FTIR

Spectrum 3 FTIR

Available upon quote

8,300 ~ 350cm-1
(KBr beam splitter)
7,800 ~ 225cm-1
(CsI beam splitter)
11,000 ~ 375cm-1
(X range - beam splitter)

LiTaO3 (Standard Pack),
FR-DTGS (Performance Pack)
MCT (optional)
Two types of detectors can be installed at the same time (PC switching)

Downward-Looking Light Source
(Guaranteed for 5 years at first delivery)

Dry sealed structure, optical system plate unaffected by vibration, gold-coated mirror adopted

Mid-infrared KBr/Ge (CsI version, XR - beam splitter selectable)

520 (width) × 300 (height) × 600 (depth) mm, 34 kg

Fourier transform infrared spectrometer near-infrared/mid-infrared/far-infrared Spectrum 3 series-Part Number-Spectrum 3 NIR

Spectrum 3 NIR

Available upon quote

14,700 ~ 2,000cm-1

FR-DTGS for near infrared

Tungsten halogen

Dry sealed structure, optical system plate unaffected by vibration, gold-coated mirror adopted


520 (width) × 300 (height) × 600 (depth) mm, 34 kg

Fourier transform infrared spectrometer near-infrared/mid-infrared/far-infrared Spectrum 3 series-Part Number-Spectrum 3 MIR/NIR FTIR

Spectrum 3 MIR/NIR FTIR

Available upon quote

Near, mid-infrared KBr/Ge
Far infrared Grid
Two types of B/S can be installed at the same time (PC switching)

Mid-infrared KBr/Ge
Far infrared Grid
Two types of B/S can be installed at the same time (PC switching)

Downward-Looking Light Source
Near infrared tungsten halogen light source
Two types of light sources can be installed at the same time (PC switching)

Dry sealed structure, optical system plate unaffected by vibration, gold-coated mirror adopted

Mid-infrared KBr/Ge
Near-infrared CaF2
Two types of B/S can be installed at the same time (PC switching)

520 (width) × 300 (height) × 600 (depth) mm, 34 kg

Fourier transform infrared spectrometer near-infrared/mid-infrared/far-infrared Spectrum 3 series-Part Number-Spectrum 3 MIR/FIR FTIR

Spectrum 3 MIR/FIR FTIR

Available upon quote

Near-mid infrared LiTaO3, far infrared FR-DTGS
MCT (optional)
Two types of detectors can be installed at the same time (PC switching)

FR-DTGS, far infrared FR-DTGS
MCT (optional)
Two types of detectors can be installed at the same time (PC switching)

Downward-Looking Light Source

Dry sealed structure, optical system plate unaffected by vibration, gold-coated mirror adopted

FR-DTGS, near infrared FR-DTGS
MCT (optional)
Two types of detectors can be installed at the same time (PC switching)

520 (width) × 300 (height) × 600 (depth) mm, 34 kg

Fourier transform infrared spectrometer near-infrared/mid-infrared/far-infrared Spectrum 3 series-Part Number-Spectrum 3 NIR/MIR/FIR FTIR


Available upon quote

11,000 ~ 375cm-1 (KBr/Ge beam splitter)
700 ~ 30cm-1 (Grid beam splitter)

8,300 ~ 350cm-1 (KBr/Ge beam splitter)
700 ~ 30cm-1 (Grid beam splitter)

Downward-Looking Light Source
Near infrared tungsten halogen light source
Two types of light sources can be installed at the same time (PC switching)

Dry sealed structure, optical system plate unaffected by vibration, gold-coated mirror adopted

8,300 ~ 350cm-1 (KBr/Ge beam splitter)
14,700 ~ 2,000cm-1 (CaF2 beam splitter)

520 (width) × 300 (height) × 600 (depth) mm, 34 kg

Click on the part number for more information about each product

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