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Heavy metal fixative (Tychelate) Tiechelate A series (Heavy metal fixative for fly ash treatment)
Daimei Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

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About This Product


■Ease of use

Since it is a liquid, it is easy to use and can be used by simply mixing it with incinerated fly ash or adding it to raw water. The processing flow is simple, and operations such as dilution before use are easy.

■Excellent performance

Chelate-forming groups and heavy metals form strong bonds in an extremely short period of time, reliably immobilizing and removing various heavy metal ions.

■High safety

Does not contain harmful compounds such as thiuram. There is no elution of heavy metals from treated fly ash or treated sludge, so there is no need to worry about secondary pollution.


With a small amount added, harmful heavy metals can be reliably immobilized and removed, reducing processing costs.


The Tichelate A series was developed for the purpose of fixing heavy metals in incinerated fly ash at incineration plants. By mixing and kneading with incinerated fly ash, it reliably fixes harmful heavy metals, making the treated fly ash harmless and reducing its volume. Contributes greatly.

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    Heavy metal fixative (Tychelate) Tiechelate A series (Heavy metal fixative for fly ash treatment)

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