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Solvent-based ink selector Highly transparent two-component ink MIX-HF-MIX-HF
Solvent-based ink selector Highly transparent two-component ink MIX-HF-Teikoku Printing Inks Mfg. Co., Ltd.

Solvent-based ink selector Highly transparent two-component ink MIX-HF
Teikoku Printing Inks Mfg. Co., Ltd.

About This Product

MIX-HF ink is a highly transparent two-component ink that can also be used to hold down TOC-HF ink and MIR mirror ink. This is Nki. Normally, if you print mirror ink on a polycarbonate base material and press it with regular screen ink, the mirror surface will become cloudy. However, by printing with MIX-HF ink, the mirror surface will not become cloudy.


- Forms a highly transparent coating film. ・Scratch resistance and coating resistance are improved by pressure printing with MIR mirror ink. - We do not intentionally use halogen (chlorine Cl, bromine Br) compounds in the raw materials.


・Due to the possibility of contamination with halogen compounds, only specified solvents and curing agents can be used. - Squeegee rubber, emulsion, materials and materials, printing materials, etc. may contain halogen compounds, so please check before use. ・Insert molding, in which the printing sheet is inserted into the mold and integrated with the injection molding resin, involves the selection of printing materials, design printing ink, binder, printing conditions, printing order, drying method and conditions, molding Composite factors such as resin selection, mold design (injection gate type and location, number of gates), and injection molding conditions affect the performance of the final product. ・Please use the product after thoroughly testing the prototype and setting each condition appropriately. - When using a binder, we recommend the halogen-free "IMB-HF006 binder" (various base materials) or "IMB-HF009 binder" (PC base material). There is a separate instruction manual. ・Ink quality safety period: 24 months from the manufacturing date if unopened

■Fire service law

Dangerous Goods Class 4 Petroleum Class 2, Danger Class III

■Safe handling

・Please use safety gloves and eye protection to protect your skin and eyes. If ink gets on your skin, wash it thoroughly with soap. If it gets into your eyes, wash your eyes thoroughly with water (or lukewarm water) and then consult a doctor. ・After use, completely seal the container and store it in a cool, dark place. ・SDS is available. Please request an SDS before handling this product, and use it at your own risk.

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    Solvent-based ink selector Highly transparent two-component ink MIX-HF

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1 Models of Solvent-based ink selector Highly transparent two-component ink MIX-HF

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Setting color Auxiliary agent Hardening agent/reinforcing agent mixture Purpose Recommended cleaning agent Dilution Base material Drying Mesh
Solvent-based ink selector Highly transparent two-component ink MIX-HF-Part Number-MIX-HF


Available upon quote

HF000 medium, HF179 red, HF589 peony, HF001 Victoria, HF239, blue yellow, HF619 white, HF169 red, HF399 indigo, HF919 black, HF939NC black


210 Hardener 3% Pot life 5~8 hours
200 Hardener 9% (when used in film insert molding)

Displays, home appliance nameplates

Screen solvent L2

C-002 Solvent (Standard) Diluted 15%

PC sheet

80℃ 30 minutes
Layer printing Each layer 80℃ 10 minutes (tack free) Final layer 80℃ 30 minutes

T-300 mesh (When using T-300, the printing area is approximately 35~45m2

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