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Light, electromagnetic waves, and air conditioning related materials ``Dynamic Flow'' doubles the energy saving power of air conditioners with nanotechnology-DFP514
Light, electromagnetic waves, and air conditioning related materials ``Dynamic Flow'' doubles the energy saving power of air conditioners with nanotechnology-Toa System Create Co., Ltd.

Light, electromagnetic waves, and air conditioning related materials ``Dynamic Flow'' doubles the energy saving power of air conditioners with nanotechnology
Toa System Create Co., Ltd.

About This Product

Odorless fresh air is a sign to start saving energy. Super easy DIY method to increase air conditioner power. If you don't have experience with the evidence, we guarantee returns at any time. Dynamic Flow is a new material that uses an ion generating element to collapse fluid clusters, improves heat exchange efficiency through a supersonic physical reaction, and has a chemical reaction that eliminates odor factors all at once. The original development intention was energy-saving air conditioning through rapid cooling and heating, but since environmental changes that can be detected by human perception are more easily noticed by environmental odors than by the sense of temperature, Dynamic Flow's deodorizing and odorless effects were used as a guideline for enhancing air conditioning power. I am. The best part of Dynamic Flow is the feeling of feeling cold even when the setting is 27 to 28 degrees Celsius on a summer day.If the before setting is 25 degrees Celsius, you can enjoy comfortable air conditioning and save more than 20% on electricity. After using it, you will definitely experience an odor-free environment within a few days, and we believe that its deodorizing performance will motivate you to continue using this product. Dynamic Flow's fast-acting air conditioning provides a stimulating sense of warmth for both air conditioning and heating, so even if you change the optimum temperature setting to energy saving mode by about 2 degrees Celsius, you can maintain the previous comfortable environment. The power consumption of an air conditioner is determined by the amount of time it takes to reach the set temperature after turning on the switch (full power mode).Fast heating and cooling = odorless is the standard for energy savings with dynamic flow. You can find out the amount of power saved by comparing the (KW/H) on your electricity bill later. Regardless of whether the odor is good or bad, all odors are meaningless unless they can be eliminated.Dynamic Flow deodorizes aromatic odors, mold odors, cigarette odors, animal odors, and stuffy odors from sofas and room drying. Dynamic Flow uses its deodorizing power as a guideline for improving air conditioning thermal efficiency, so if you don't feel the deodorizing experience after using it, we offer a return guarantee. Dynamic Flow promotes complete combustion not only in air conditioners but also in oil and gas fan heaters, strengthening heating power and eliminating unpleasant odors caused by incomplete combustion all at once.

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    Light, electromagnetic waves, and air conditioning related materials ``Dynamic Flow'' doubles the energy saving power of air conditioners with nanotechnology

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1 Models of Light, electromagnetic waves, and air conditioning related materials ``Dynamic Flow'' doubles the energy saving power of air conditioners with nanotechnology

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Light, electromagnetic waves, and air conditioning related materials ``Dynamic Flow'' doubles the energy saving power of air conditioners with nanotechnology-Part Number-DFP514


Available upon quote

Plastic mesh

5 years or more


2 pieces set

Filter replacement

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