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Self-checkout for pharmacies Pharmacube-Pharmacube
Self-checkout for pharmacies Pharmacube-APOSTRO Co., Ltd.

Self-checkout for pharmacies Pharmacube

🏥 Medical Industry Use 💊 Pharmaceutical & Medical Use 🛒 Retail & Distribution Use

About This Product

■ Focus more on interpersonal work with PharmaCube

PharmaCube is a self-checkout system created for pharmacies. It takes more than 1 minute for one person to handle accounting. Accounting tasks that are handled daily at pharmacies require a huge amount of time. By automating accounting operations, pharmacy staff can focus more on interpersonal tasks, contributing to the creation of pharmacies that are trusted by the community.

■Accounting operations can be automated

At the time of accounting, patients pay directly to PharmaCube, so staff do not have to waste time on accounting tasks.

■Can reduce tightening work

Since money is transferred through a machine, accounting errors are eliminated. Therefore, there is no money error during the tightening process, and the tightening process can be easily completed.

■Supports cashless payment

Credit card and electronic money payments are also supported. We respond to the diverse needs of patients.

■Easy to use for both staff and patients

PharmaCube is designed to be easy to use for both staff and patients. Features

■Space saving that can be installed in pharmacies

PharmaCube is designed with the purpose of "improving pharmacy operations." Unlike large hospitals, insurance pharmacies have limited space. For this reason, even after selling PharmaCube, we changed the housing and design to save space.

■Achieving high cost performance

Self-checkout systems are becoming widespread in the medical industry, but some are very expensive, while others are inexpensive but do not follow the operating practices of pharmacies. PharmaCube has achieved low costs with a hardware configuration focused on pharmacy operations. In the future, we will continue to develop the software and update it repeatedly in order to continue to provide a more cost-effective system.

■Complete support system aimed at improving pharmacy operations

There are many self-checkout systems in the world, but PharmaCube is designed to improve the operations of pharmacies by linking data with cash registers. We also support the construction of business flows based on past implementation experience. After operation, we provide ongoing operational support, not only by responding to problems, but also by responding to legal revisions and consulting on business improvement.

  • Product

    Self-checkout for pharmacies Pharmacube
  • Usage Scenarios

    Medical Industry Use / Pharmaceutical & Medical Use / Retail & Distribution Use

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