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Fiber diameter measuring machine OFDA2000-Bench top type
Fiber diameter measuring machine OFDA2000-Grotz Beckelt Japan

Fiber diameter measuring machine OFDA2000
Grotz Beckelt Japan

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Beast hair fiber / synthetic fiber diameter measurement With the improvement of OFDA100, which has been well received by customers, OFDA2000 uses similar digital video technology to measure the fiber diameter and distribution to 0.1 micron resolution. This is the only image analysis device that has passed a strict exam and has been certified by the International Wool Fiber Organization (IWTO), "IWTO TM47". The industry standard has been providing more than 20 years of achievements and more than 30 countries. In some cases in the diameter of wool, synthetic fiber, mohair, cashmere, glass fiber, metal lines, laxation, and human hair, it can be measured accurately with OFDA2000, and thousands of fiber (snippet) can be measured within 30 seconds as an inoperable OFDA2000. Due to the effects of food to be taken, beast hairs and human hairs are different and changes. These differences and changes have a great impact on fiber strength and processing. Since fiber samples usually have a high standard deviation on the diameter, there is a fear that the average and distribution cannot be accurately measured in measurements by a microscope or electron microscope, and there is a fear that arbitrary measurements and uneven measurements will occur by operators. The OFDA2000 is the only machine that measures the curvature of fiber at high speed and directly. The curvature is associated with the turning of the fiber, and is an important parameter in fiber processing, such as affecting the performance of a water filter and air filter. feature Up to 20,000 textile pieces per minute can be measured. It is cut into a 2mm fiber piece from a web -state sample to measure the diameter of various fibers. The diameter average, standard deviation, histogram, and curvature average are generated. There are also portable types of farms and other real -place exams that are included in the carry case.

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    Fiber diameter measuring machine OFDA2000

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2 Models of Fiber diameter measuring machine OFDA2000

Click on the part number for more information about each product

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) weight Dimensions (Length X Width X Height) Dimensions (length x width x height) diameter Curvature Diameter Accuracy (Excluding Sampling Error) Diameter accuracy (excluding sampling error) Bulk Degree Resolution Bulk degree resolution Fiber type Voltage Power ConsonSamption power consumption
Fiber diameter measuring machine OFDA2000-Part Number-Bench top type

Bench top type

Available upon quote


49 x 39 x 30cm

49 x 39 x 30cm


0 to 360 DEGREES/MM

The AVERAGE and Standard Deviation Are ± 0.1um, and the Histogram is 1 Umbins.

The average and standard deviation are ± 0.1um, and the histogram is 1 umbins.

The AVERAGE and Standard Deviation Are ± 1/mm, and the Histogram is 1 Umbins

The average and standard deviation are ± 1/mm, and the histogram is 1 umbins

Wool, CASHMERE, Mohair, Various Other Beast Hair, Synthetic Fiber Sliver, Glass Fiber, Fine Metal Lines, Some Vegetable Fiber

Exchange 110-240V



Fiber diameter measuring machine OFDA2000-Part Number-Portable type

Portable type

Available upon quote


53 x 53 x 30cm

53 x 53 x 30cm


0 to 360 DEGREES/MM

The AVERAGE and Standard Deviation Are ± 0.1um, and the Histogram is 1 Umbins.

The average and standard deviation are ± 0.1um, and the histogram is 1 umbins.

The AVERAGE and Standard Deviation Are ± 1/mm, and the Histogram is 1 Umbins

The average and standard deviation are ± 1/mm, and the histogram is 1 umbins

Wool, CASHMERE, Mohair, Various Other Beast Hair, Synthetic Fiber Sliver, Glass Fiber, Fine Metal Lines, Some Vegetable Fiber

Exchange 110-240V



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