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Programmable DC power supply DP2000 series-DP2031
Programmable DC power supply DP2000 series-Rigor Japan Co., Ltd.

Programmable DC power supply DP2000 series
Rigor Japan Co., Ltd.

About This Product


RIGOL's new DP2000 power supply features three fully isolated channels with automatic internal series and parallel connections and an intuitive 4.3-inch touchscreen. Offers high resolution, fast sampling mode for measuring low range currents down to 1µA, arbitrary output mode with 1ms dwell time, and low output noise and ripple below 350µVrms. These measurement functions are complemented by high-speed arbitrary output functions.

■Low ripple, noise:<350uVrms/2mVpp

Ultra-low noise design to meet user demands for high-purity power supplies

■Fast transient response time: <50us

The response time of the power supply is less than 50μs, meeting user demands for rapidly changing voltage waveforms.

■Automatic series and parallel connection function

Channels 1 and 2 can be connected in parallel or series internally from the utility menu. This allows you to get voltage or current from both channels by simply connecting to the channel 1 terminal. The three channels are fully isolated and can be easily configured to suit your application.

■Microcurrent analysis

Modern portable electronic devices, including IoT devices, use low-level currents that are difficult to emulate or analyze with traditional power supplies. The DP2000 can measure down to the microamp level with an accuracy of 30 microamps. It can also automatically switch between microamp and milliamp ranges, providing flexibility for dynamic applications. At high speeds and low currents, important information about device operation can be collected and analyzed.

■High-speed Arb mode

Fast arbitrary waveform mode allows you to create functions and waveforms of up to 512 points with dwell times as low as 1 ms. Create sine waves, pulses, ramps, or custom shapes and output them as voltage or current to power channels. Set waveform repeats and triggers using digital IO or bus communication. Combine fast arb mode and sampling to fully analyze the power supply performance of your test devices.

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    Programmable DC power supply DP2000 series

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1 Models of Programmable DC power supply DP2000 series

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Display resolution Total power Read back accuracy Programming accuracy Number of channels Output per channel
Programmable DC power supply DP2000 series-Part Number-DP2031


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32V/3A, 32V/3A, 6V/5A

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