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Gasoline engine tachometer handy type-DET-610R
Gasoline engine tachometer handy type-PET-1100R
Gasoline engine tachometer handy type-PET-1000R
Gasoline engine tachometer handy type-OPPAMA INDUSTRY CO., LTD.

Gasoline engine tachometer handy type

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About This Product

■Handy type

A thin, handheld, pocket-sized tachometer. This type is easy to hold, easy to press, and easy to use.


・Carburetor, idling speed adjustment ・Adjustment of engine speed for work etc. ・Adjustment of exhaust gas, volume, generator output, etc. based on rotation speed ​・When cleaning the intake and exhaust systems, you can use a tachometer to make adjustments and perform maintenance to avoid putting a strain on the engine, which will not only improve fuel efficiency but also extend the life of the engine.

■Can be measured without contact

Oppama Kogyo's tachometer is the world's first non-contact measurement method. Just bring the tachometer close to the plug cord and it will turn on automatically, making measurements easy.

■High precision

・High precision design of ±10r/min. -Analog is suitable for checking while driving, and Oppama's digital is highly accurate and suitable for maintenance. - Easily measure the rotation range recommended by the engine manufacturer.

■Long lifespan

・No need to replace batteries. ・Even if you use it for 3 hours a day, it can be used for about 7 years. ・With auto on/off function, there is no problem of leaving the power on. ​ Diesel engines and engines equipped with direct ignition cannot be measured.

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    Gasoline engine tachometer handy type

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3 Models of Gasoline engine tachometer handy type

Click on the part number for more information about each product

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Battery life Measurement engine Body weight Size Additional functions
Gasoline engine tachometer handy type-Part Number-DET-610R


Available upon quote

20,000 hours (approximately 7 years when used for 3 hours/1 day)

Gasoline engine: 2-stroke 1-4 cylinders, 4-stroke 1-6, 8 cylinders


113 x 62 x 8.5 (L x W x H mm)

Clocks, solar cells

Gasoline engine tachometer handy type-Part Number-PET-1100R


Available upon quote

20,000 hours (approximately 7 years when used for 3 hours/1 day)

Gasoline engine: 2-stroke 1-4 cylinders, 4-stroke 1-6, 8 cylinders


120 x 62 x 13 (L x W x H mm)

Auto on/off function

Gasoline engine tachometer handy type-Part Number-PET-1000R


Available upon quote

20,000 hours (approximately 7 years when used for 3 hours/1 day)

Gasoline engine: 2-stroke 1, 2 cylinders, 4-stroke 2, 4 cylinders
*Measurement is also possible for gasoline engines with 4 strokes, 1 cylinder, and 1 ignition per revolution.


120 x 62 x 13 (L x W x H mm)

Auto on/off function

Click on the part number for more information about each product

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Oppama Industry Co., Ltd., founded in 1974 with headquarters in Yokosuka City, Japan, is a manufacturer of two...

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