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Equipped with the world's first wireless communication system Able to switch dispensing amount and manage logs by program pipetty Pro MSIC04-01-1000-MSIC04-01-1000
Equipped with the world's first wireless communication system Able to switch dispensing amount and manage logs by program pipetty Pro MSIC04-01-1000-Icams Lab Co., Ltd.

Equipped with the world's first wireless communication system Able to switch dispensing amount and manage logs by program pipetty Pro MSIC04-01-1000
Icams Lab Co., Ltd.

About This Product

A major burden on workers during dispensing work is frequently switching the dispensed amount and maintaining concentration for long periods of time in response to human errors such as double dispensing or forgetting to dispense. The pen-shaped electric pipette "pipetty Pro" is equipped with Bluetooth® and enables the input of dispensing amount patterns, log management of dispensing operations, and navigation tailored to the microplate. We support even safer and more comfortable experiments than ever before.

■Reducing the burden on workers by setting the dispensing amount program using a PC

Switching the dispensed amount not only puts a heavy burden on the worker, but also causes a decrease in work efficiency and errors in the dispensed amount. "pipetti Pro" allows you to program the dispensing amount using a dedicated PC application, thereby eliminating the need to manually switch the dispensing amount. In particular, this will lead to a reduction in work time for tasks such as PCR experiments that require the preparation of multiple samples.

■Create a log file just by doing the work, making it easy to check the progress of the work

Equipped with an automatic logging function, information such as experiment date and time, operator name, dispensed amount, temperature, and humidity is automatically converted into data. When an operator simply performs dispensing work, a log is recorded on the database via wireless communication, making it easy to check whether the work was performed correctly in accordance with the experimental protocol. It is especially effective in the pharmaceutical research and development field and contract testing field, where accuracy and reliability of work and experimental results are required.

■Suppress human errors with navigation tailored to micro templates

When performing a biochemical analysis or clinical test using a microplate, I'm sure everyone has at least once felt anxious, wondering, ``How much did I dispense?'' "pipetti Pro" is a dedicated application that displays the dispensed location on the display. Combined with the logging function, it reduces human errors such as double dispensing and forgetting to dispense. Recommended for work that involves processing multiple samples.

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    Equipped with the world's first wireless communication system Able to switch dispensing amount and manage logs by program pipetty Pro MSIC04-01-1000

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1 Models of Equipped with the world's first wireless communication system Able to switch dispensing amount and manage logs by program pipetty Pro MSIC04-01-1000

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Power supply Product weight Guaranteed accuracy range Accuracy External dimensions Discharge range Reproducibility (C.V.) Values ​​in parentheses are for continuous dispensing. Buzzer sound Chip
Equipped with the world's first wireless communication system Able to switch dispensing amount and manage logs by program pipetty Pro MSIC04-01-1000-Part Number-MSIC04-01-1000


$ 780.00〜

AAA nickel metal hydride battery (

Approx. 75g (including rechargeable battery)






ON/OFF switchable

Compatible with ICL-specific tips as well as tips made by other companies

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