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Simultaneous work of ridge building, chemical spraying, and mulching Liquid chemical spreading machine SK-H series-SK-100H
Simultaneous work of ridge building, chemical spraying, and mulching Liquid chemical spreading machine SK-H series-San-A Co., Ltd.

Simultaneous work of ridge building, chemical spraying, and mulching Liquid chemical spreading machine SK-H series
San-A Co., Ltd.

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About This Product

Implement for tractors. The SK series chemical sprayer is a liquid chemical spraying device that can be attached to a tractor and sprays liquids, herbicides, insecticides, fungicides (soil treatment agents only), and soil fumigation carbamants. Significant labor savings have been achieved through combined use with other work equipment (rotaries, seeders, mulchers, etc.).

■SK-H flat-row mulch simultaneous herbicide spraying

Flat rowing → herbicide spraying → mulching work at the same time. Melon, carrot, onion, garlic etc. ・A spray nozzle is installed between the flat ridge forming board and the mulcher to spray the herbicide onto the ridge surface just before applying mulch. ・Herbicides: Trefanoside emulsion, Cremato U emulsion, Gogosan emulsion, etc.

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    Simultaneous work of ridge building, chemical spraying, and mulching Liquid chemical spreading machine SK-H series

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3 Models of Simultaneous work of ridge building, chemical spraying, and mulching Liquid chemical spreading machine SK-H series

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Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Power supply Weight Aircraft dimensions Standard application rate Spray amount adjustment Spraying pressure Motor Pump Nozzle Tank capacity
Simultaneous work of ridge building, chemical spraying, and mulching Liquid chemical spreading machine SK-H series-Part Number-SK-100H


$ 2,535.00〜

Battery: DC12V/Fuse: 20A


Width 680 x depth 500 x height 450mm

80~120 liters/10a

Can be adjusted by opening and closing the needle valve


Power consumption 125W (when spraying)

Cascade pump All parts are chemical resistant

Epoch nozzle PA15 1~6 pieces (number of nozzles and nozzle spacing can be adjusted)

100 liters

Simultaneous work of ridge building, chemical spraying, and mulching Liquid chemical spreading machine SK-H series-Part Number-SK-200H


$ 2,639.00〜

Battery: DC12V/Fuse: 20A


Width 920 x depth 620 x height 570mm

80~120 liters/10a

Can be adjusted by opening and closing the needle valve


Power consumption 125W (when spraying)

Cascade pump All parts are chemical resistant

Epoch nozzle PA15 1~6 pieces (number of nozzles and nozzle spacing can be adjusted)

200 liters

Simultaneous work of ridge building, chemical spraying, and mulching Liquid chemical spreading machine SK-H series-Part Number-SK-300H


$ 3,074.50〜

Battery: DC12V/Fuse: 20A


Width 1,000 x depth 680 x height 705mm

80~120 liters/10a

Can be adjusted by opening and closing the needle valve


Power consumption 125W (when spraying)

Cascade pump All parts are chemical resistant

Epoch nozzle PA15 1~6 pieces (number of nozzles and nozzle spacing can be adjusted)

300 liters

Click on the part number for more information about each product

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