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Lightning arrester PDCE-Junior series-PDCE-Junior
Lightning arrester PDCE-Junior series-Eyewit LLC

Lightning arrester PDCE-Junior series
Eyewit LLC

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About This Product

■What is PDCE?

PDCE:Pararrayos Desionnizador Carge Electrostatica is a deionization capacitive lightning arrester. This is a completely new lightning protection system invented in the Principality of Andorra in the Spanish Pyrenees. Conventional lightning rods use a copper rod to bring + on the ground closer to - at the bottom of a thundercloud to induce lightning strikes. However, PDCE reverses the + on the ground to - using the principle of a capacitor, so that - repels. Lightning will no longer strike. With PDCE, countermeasures against lightning strikes will change from ``attract lightning and strike it'' to ``prevent lightning from striking you.''

■Principles of lightning strikes and lightning strike suppression

When a thundercloud approaches, a conventional lightning rod becomes charged to the same positive potential as the ground, attracting the negatively charged lower part of the thundercloud and attracting lightning. It is called a ``lightning rod'', but more accurately it should be called a ``lightning rod'' that attracts lightning strikes. PDCE converts the positive potential on the ground to negative potential by sandwiching an insulator, which repels the negative potential at the bottom of the thundercloud. Also, by making the tip a large hemisphere, the electric field strength is weakened, making it less likely to be struck by lightning. In today's highly information-oriented environment, when a lightning strike causes a large current to flow, a shocking electromagnetic pulse is generated that can destroy electronic devices containing ICs. Equipment-related equipment such as elevator control equipment and water tower control equipment, information equipment such as routers, hubs, servers, computers, and televisions, security equipment such as surveillance cameras and doorbells, and other electronic equipment from offices, factories, and homes that may be struck by lightning. Severe damage will occur. It is estimated that the damage caused by these disasters exceeds 1 trillion yen annually in Japan alone. In modern society, we can no longer be struck by lightning. More than 260 years ago, when Franklin invented the lightning rod, humans did not have access to electricity. The environment is completely different from today.

■PDCE installation

Unlike the installation of conventional lightning rods, installing PDCE requires specialized knowledge and skills. PDCE is heavier than conventional lightning rods and requires confirmation of the strength of the building structure before installation. You must also measure the grounding resistance of the ground wire, consider where it is best to place it, the effects of wind, and how to set the installation height and cone-shaped protection range. Consideration and design of installation methods require experience and technology.

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    Lightning arrester PDCE-Junior series

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3 Models of Lightning arrester PDCE-Junior series

Click on the part number for more information about each product

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Electrode material Weight (kg) Features Size Height (mm) Size Diameter (mm) Drawing number Magnum Marine Drawing number Magnum EV Drawing number Magnum Wind swept area (cm^2) Protection angle
Lightning arrester PDCE-Junior series-Part Number-PDCE-Junior


Available upon quote



Basic form







60 degrees

Lightning arrester PDCE-Junior series-Part Number-Junior Marine

Junior Marine

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Improved vibration resistance







60 degrees

Lightning arrester PDCE-Junior series-Part Number-Junior EV

Junior EV

Available upon quote



Environmental protection color







60 degrees

Click on the part number for more information about each product

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