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Verification/Connection NC Viewer-NC Viewer
Verification/Connection NC Viewer-System i Co., Ltd.

Verification/Connection NC Viewer
System i Co., Ltd.

About This Product

The entire machining process is made more efficient by using functions such as display filters and report generation. Simulate directly from the actual NC program. Reliable verification possible.

■Mill, lathe, wire

"Mill processing", "Lathe processing", and "Wire processing" are supported as standard, so verification can be performed simply by switching the machine file. Gerber etc. can be handled flexibly by combining "function codes" and "replacement strings".

■Trace function

By using the trace function, verification work can be greatly improved while checking the movement of each step. Also, by setting the line where you want to pause automatic tracing as a breakpoint, you can easily identify the verification point. If you set "Automatic Break Character", a breakpoint will be automatically set at the same time as loading.

■Navigation function

When you move the mouse close to the cutter path, the cutter path information will be displayed in a tool tip. Navigation works even during tracing, so combining step execution and navigation greatly improves the efficiency of verification work. It is also possible to measure the distance between two points, making it useful for things such as yield verification. (End points and midpoints only)

■Display filter, color settings

By using the display filter, you can display/hide by group. There are six types of display filter groups: "File", "Program number", "Tool number (machining condition number)", "Diameter compensation number", "Length compensation number", and "Layer name". .

■Extracting information from comments

The comment section of the NC program may contain very important information such as tool information and radius compensation value information. Since the necessary information is extracted according to the set format, you can save time and effort in selecting machine data and setting tools.

■CAD drawing reading function

CAD figures (DXF) can be read as the image below, greatly increasing the efficiency of matching with cutter paths. In addition, by using the interference check function between the reference shape and the cutter path, more accurate cutting inspection is possible.

■A-axis/B-axis rotary machining

It is also possible to simulate rotary machining expressed by Y-axis → A-axis rotation and X-axis → B-axis rotation. It also supports 4-axis machining that shifts the rotation axis, and simple rotation can also be converted back to the XY plane.

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1 Models of Verification/Connection NC Viewer

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax)
Verification/Connection NC Viewer-Part Number-NC Viewer

NC Viewer

$ 292.50〜

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