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2D CAD software Advance Command-Advance Command
2D CAD software Advance Command-System i Co., Ltd.

2D CAD software Advance Command
System i Co., Ltd.

About This Product

We provide highly needed commands that were not available as standard commands. Creation of circular coordinate lists and summary tables. Various corner treatments. Corrected coordinate errors when reading other drawings. Coordinate-related commands

■Coordinate list

Creates a coordinate list of the specified point/circle/symbol. By adding prefixes and sequential numbers, you can check the correspondence between the list and the specified elements. If you specify a circle/symbol as the target, you can create a table by diameter/symbol. You can also adjust the width of the table and specify whether or not there is a notes column.

■Coordinate output

You can output the coordinates of a specified point/circle/symbol as text with an arbitrary header/footer based on the specified format. If you specify a circle/symbol as the target, you can also add block headers/block footers for each diameter/symbol. The coordinate values ​​of the target specified by grouping will be displayed in the text output dialog. Therefore, edit it if necessary and output it to a file from the coordinate list output dialog that appears when you press the save button.

■Coordinate dimensions/Cartesian coordinates

Both commands dimension the coordinates of a specified point/circle/symbol. By specifying the distribution point, you can specify the withdrawal direction. In the coordinate dimension command, when characters overlap, the drawn part is folded and the coordinate values ​​are adjusted so that they do not overlap.

■Corner treatment

Select the corner treatment type from 7 types of shapes. Corners can also be expanded or contracted by specifying options. Shape correction

■Continuous end points

If the distance between the end points of two elements is smaller than the specified tolerance, they are determined to be continuous elements, and the end points are corrected to have the same coordinates.

■Coordinate correction

For example, if you specify 5 as a significant digit, the coordinate value will be rounded off to the 6th digit after the decimal point.

■Angle correction

If the angle of the line segment is within the specified angle error range with respect to the horizontal/vertical direction, the angle will be corrected based on the starting point. *Curve and elliptical elements are not processed.


Input the gear specifications and drawing conditions on the dialog and place it on the drawing. Gear types include external teeth, internal teeth, and racks. In addition to specifying the shift coefficient, it also supports the straddle tooth thickness method and overpin method.

■Board cam

Input the specifications of the plate cam on the dialog and place it on the drawing. The types of cam curves are single (sine), cycloid, constant velocity, modified trapezoid, modified sine, and modified constant velocity.

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    2D CAD software Advance Command

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1 Models of 2D CAD software Advance Command

Image Part Number Price (excluding tax) Manual
2D CAD software Advance Command-Part Number-Advance Command

Advance Command

$ 325.00〜

A fee will be charged for the manual.
Sales price 3,000 yen (excluding tax)

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